Coverage of the Inauguration on Aunt & Sky

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  • Mandryka

    Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
    Did Paul Johnson tell you that?
    Walton's conservative sympathies are well-documented. He represents a not-uncommon phenomenon: the individual from humble beginnings whose talents are recognised and bring him material wealth, which is then threatened by mean-spirited governments that want to redistribute said wealth among the feckless and the lazy. See also Sir Frank Whittle and numerous others.


    • Mr Pee
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3285

      Originally posted by Mandryka View Post
      Walton's conservative sympathies are well-documented. He represents a not-uncommon phenomenon: the individual from humble beginnings whose talents are recognised and bring him material wealth, which is then threatened by mean-spirited governments that want to redistribute said wealth among the feckless and the lazy. See also Sir Frank Whittle and numerous others.
      Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

      Mark Twain.


      • Mandryka

        Originally posted by Oddball View Post
        Thanks for replying Estelle. I find US politics interesting, but don't really know enough to go beyond elementary comments. However it seemed to me that, since Barack was the winner, it was his show, and his choice of music. Or probably the choice of Michelle et al.. That is fair enough in my book. America is apparently a divided country, and these divisions may show up in musical tastes. But nowhere near as divided as this country. I would happily swap with you any day!

        As someone who has travelled frequently in the US, I would argue it is much, much more divided than the UK is, or could ever be: leaving aside the different geographical dimensions, you have a people who are separated by vast chasms of difference in terms of politics, religion, ethics and values. Americans may speak one language but it is amazing how many Northerners claim to find it difficult to understand Southerners' speech (though rarely vice versa).

        My feeling is that the American electorate was longing to replace Obama last year but - as has been mentioned - the Republican candidate lacked credibility in all areas other than economics (where he made a good showing) My guess is that the Democrats will be massacred in 2016, as by then Obama will be so unpopular that the animus that voters feel for him will attach itself to the Democratic candidate; and the Republicans will have finally got their act together and put an articulate war hero on their ticket instead a tycoon with peculiar religious beliefs.

        That won't solve American's problems, though: only an Objectivist government could do that! :) (ditto the rest of the wolrd).


        • Stillhomewardbound
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          • Nov 2010
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          Robert Frost had the sun in his eyes at the inauguration of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as he attempted to read the piece he had written for the occasion. The new president stepped forward and shielded the poet's eyes, however, discomfited by the incident Frost resorted to reciting his 1941 poem The Gift Outright. It was a fiercely cold morning and the event had almost had to be cancelled. The young, new leader helping the fragile though distinguished man of letters was just one of a number of incidences which added to the great poignancy of the occasion.

          So, to have a pop chanteuse of dubious musical merit mime to a pre-recording, is so empty a gesture, so meaningless. So sad.


          • prokkyshosty

            If and when I get elected President of the US and A, I will make sure that the version of the Star Spangled Banner performed is Stravinsky's, the one that got him arrested in 1940!

            ps. The day before the Obama 2009 Inauguration, there was a big concert at the Lincoln Memorial, and if I recall correctly, the Lincoln Portrait was performed, narrated by Tom Hanks, assumedly in the voice of Forrest Gump.
            Last edited by Guest; 24-01-13, 04:42.


            • Lateralthinking1

              Simple Gifts - Marilyn Horne for Bill Clinton's in 1993 and Jessye Norman for Ronald Reagan's in 1985


              • Pabmusic
                Full Member
                • May 2011
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                Originally posted by prokkyshosty View Post
                If and when I get elected President of the US and A, I will make sure that the version of the Star Spangled Banner performed is Stravinsky's, the one that got him arrested in 1940!

                ps. The day before the Obama 2009 Inauguration, there was a big concert at the Lincoln Memorial, and if I recall correctly, the Lincoln Portrait was performed, narrated by Tom Hanks, assumedly in the voice of Forrest Gump.
                Tom Hanks is a descendant of the family of Nancy Hanks, Abraham Lincoln's mother. Whist we're on this subject, Robert Duvall is a descendant of Robert E. Lee (who himself was a descendant of one of William the Conqueror's knights, who fought at Hastings). The Lee family left Coton near Alveley, Shropshire, during the 17th century, having been there 600 years or so.
                Last edited by Pabmusic; 24-01-13, 06:43.


                • MrGongGong
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                  • Nov 2010
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                  Originally posted by Mandryka View Post
                  Walton's conservative sympathies are well-documented. He represents a not-uncommon phenomenon: the individual from humble beginnings whose talents are recognised and bring him material wealth, which is then threatened by mean-spirited governments that want to redistribute said wealth among the feckless and the lazy. See also Sir Frank Whittle and numerous others.

                  Just like our own government then
                  I see you are now peddling the "pulled up from the bootstraps" Grammar school myths now .......

                  so that's Walton and ....... eeeeeerrrrm


                  • Mandryka


                    So, to have a pop chanteuse of dubious musical merit mime to a pre-recording, is so empty a gesture, so meaningless. So sad.[/QUOTE]

                    She was on the bill, I presume, because she is 'an artist of colour.' Though the colour, it must be said, appeared to be orange.

                    The poet was on the bill, presumably because he is 1) a hyphenated American and 2) a homosexual - thus he would appear to back up Obama's message of 'inclusivity' (read: tokenism).


                    • Mandryka

                      Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post

                      Just like our own government then
                      I see you are now peddling the "pulled up from the bootstraps" Grammar school myths now .......

                      so that's Walton and ....... eeeeeerrrrm

                      Richard Rodney Bennett, the Beatles, John Barry, Noel Coward, Cat Stevens, for beginners (and that's just in music). Then you can start on sportspeople, writers and industrialists.


                      • Mandryka

                        Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post

                        Just like our own government then
                        I see you are now peddling the "pulled up from the bootstraps" Grammar school myths now .......

                        so that's Walton and ....... eeeeeerrrrm

                        Richard Rodney Bennett, the Beatles, John Barry, Noel Coward, Cat Stevens, for beginners (and that's just in music). Then you can start on sportspeople, writers and industrialists.


                        • Serial_Apologist
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 38194

                          Originally posted by prokkyshosty View Post
                          If and when I get elected President of the US and A, I will make sure that the version of the Star Spangled Banner performed is Stravinsky's, the one that got him arrested in 1940!
                          Eh?? - tell us more!!

                          ps. The day before the Obama 2009 Inauguration, there was a big concert at the Lincoln Memorial, and if I recall correctly, the Lincoln Portrait was performed, narrated by Tom Hanks, assumedly in the voice of Forrest Gump.


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 38194

                            Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post

                            Just like our own government then
                            I see you are now peddling the "pulled up from the bootstraps" Grammar school myths now .......

                            so that's Walton and ....... eeeeeerrrrm
                            And there was I, thinking Mandy was being ironic...


                            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                              Gone fishin'
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 30163

                              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                              Eh?? - tell us more!!
                              Maybe, maybe not:

                              Blogger is a blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. Blogger makes it simple to post text, photos and video onto your personal or team blog.

                              This is what we'll hear at President Prokkyshosty's Inauguration:

                              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                              • Serial_Apologist
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 38194

                                Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
                                Maybe, maybe not:

                                Blogger is a blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. Blogger makes it simple to post text, photos and video onto your personal or team blog.

                                This is what we'll hear at President Prokkyshosty's Inauguration:

                                Amazing - thanks for posting it, ferney: I'd never even heard of this version before, let alone heard it!

