The story of pianist Joyce Hatto and the big recording hoax.
Loving Miss Hatto - BBC1
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostThe story of pianist Joyce Hatto and the big recording hoax.
What did you think of it ........and we already have a thread......
Sorry...didm't spot the thread. Mixed feelings about prog. The play made Barry out to be 'the lovable rogue' and Joyce to be a bit of an old trout. It's a good topic for a play, I suppose, but the truth of the relationship will never be known. I did feel slightly uneasy knowing that Barry is still alive. From the dramatic point of view, I thought the old J and B were better portrayed than the young.
PS Can't find the main thraad...can you direct me?Last edited by ardcarp; 24-12-12, 09:23.
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostSorry...didm't spot the thread. Mixed feelings about prog. The play made Barry out to be 'the lovable rogue' and Joyce to be a bit of an old trout. It's a good topic for a play, I suppose, but the truth of the relationship will never be known. I did feel slightly uneasy knowing that Barry is still alive. From the dramatic point of view, I thought the old J and B were better portrayed than the young.
PS Can't find the main thraad...can you direct me?