Another avoidable tragedy...

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  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    Originally posted by Stunsworth View Post
    Simon, could you remind me what those sentences were?

    Don't waste your time, Stunsworth. He has already been challenged on that fiction (one of many in his history of posting this and previous Radio 3 related message boards) and as usual wriggled about and failed face up to his prejudice in the matter. Stiff penalties do appear to be called for. I would hope their victims might also be able to get some redress via the civil judicial system.


    • amateur51

      Originally posted by Thropplenoggin View Post
      "It's political correctness gone mad!"


      • amateur51

        Originally posted by Simon View Post
        See above. We'll have to wait till Monday to be sure. My point is that one can assume they will be ridiculously short for the offences compared with the yellow paint thrower. If I'm wrong, and the Judge gives them 20 years, then I'll be the first to apologise, admit my error and say I'm delighted.
        That will be a first, I agree


        • MrGongGong
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 18357

          Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
          That will be a first, I agree
          When was the last time our academic friend was "delighted" ????


          • Stunsworth
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 1553

            Originally posted by Simon View Post
            See above. We'll have to wait till Monday to be sure. My point is that one can assume they will be ridiculously short for the offences compared with the yellow paint thrower. If I'm wrong, and the Judge gives them 20 years, then I'll be the first to apologise, admit my error and say I'm delighted.
            Are there any other 'facts' that you made up elsewhere on the forum to support your views that you'd now care to admit to?


            • Simon

              Originally posted by Stunsworth View Post
              Are there any other 'facts' that you made up elsewhere on the forum to support your views that you'd now care to admit to?
              No. Nor are these "made up facts": I was deliberately prejudging the judge to make a point, which should have been quite clear to anyone who read both the article and my comment.

              But I don't expect you or those of your ilk to do anything on here but attack any view you disagree with, or ever miss the chance to disrupt any thread I contribute to. It's what you do..

              If you don't think this is true, look around you on other threads and above on this. My point is made for me.

              It's been the same for years, from the same people. Gang up and shout down anybody whose views don't follow the leftwing flock of modernist, tradition-hating, anti-Western, politically correct, atheists.

              That's why so many people give up and don't post anymore.

              But, you'll be annoyed to know, I have no intention of doing that. To do that would be to give in. And I don't give in. Ever.

              Your only option is to keep complaining about my posts, as some of you have been doing, in the hopes that ff will get fed up and ban me. That might work, one day.


              • Stunsworth
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 1553

                Originally posted by Simon View Post
                Nor are these "made up facts"
                You were complaining about the lenient sentences handed out to the criminals, when they haven't yet been sentenced. If that's not 'made up' I don't know what is.


                • Simon

                  Incidentally, I have reported Posts 18 and 19 above, as I believe them a) to have been made solely to disrupt the thread and b) to irritate me. I further believe them c) to contribute nothing of value to the subject of the thread.

                  Post exhibiting these characteristics, I understand, show evidence of internet trolling.

                  If anyone considers that points a, b and c above are incorrect, please explain how and why, and if I'm wong I'll withdraw the complaints.

                  Thank you.



                  • Simon

                    Originally posted by Stunsworth View Post
                    You were complaining about the lenient sentences handed out to the criminals, when they haven't yet been sentenced. If that's not 'made up' I don't know what is.
                    You miss the point. How much more clearly can I make it?

                    Think of the NASA film - already released - saying that the world did not end on the 21st December. That ws "made up" too, as we haven't got there yet. But I'd just read about it, so I did the same with my comment about the sentences, to make precisely the point that some things are predictable, stupid sentencing policy in the UK being one of them.

                    I assumed everyone would read the article first and then my comments, and realise. Nobody would surely believe that I was pretending really to know the sentences accurately in advance... I also assumed that everyone would have heard about the NASA stunt...

                    Whatever. <sigh>


                    • Stunsworth
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 1553

                      Originally posted by Simon View Post
                      Think of the NASA film - already released - saying that the world did not end on the 21st December. That ws "made up" too, as we haven't got there yet. But I'd just read about it, so I did the same with my comment about the sentences, to make precisely the point that some things are predictable, stupid sentencing policy in the UK being one of them
                      ROFL. Remember the adage "when you're in a hole stop digging'? Perhaps you need some king of code word in your posts, so that when you are talking in the present, or past tense, but are actually referring to a future event we know that it's a future event that's being referred to and not a current or past one.


                      • Simon

                        Originally posted by Stunsworth View Post
                        ROFL. Remember the adage "when you're in a hole stop digging'? Perhaps you need some king of code word in your posts, so that when you are talking in the present, or past tense, but are actually referring to a future event we know that it's a future event that's being referred to and not a current or past one.
                        Not necessary. It's unlikely to be something that would occur again, at least not regularly. I thought it would be clear enough. If it wasn't, then that's fine. If you really thought that I was pretending to see the future, or that I hadn't read the article I had actually commented on, that's up to you. I might be some things, but I really am not completely stupid. I do hold down a job.

                        Anyway, think what you like. I shan't lose sleep. I guess it's just another excuse to make an attack on me.

                        We'll see what the sentences are on Monday, and whether my cynicism was justified or not. But remember - a man got two years just for throwing some paint onto an artwork that many consider almost worthless.... That's the baseline. These gypsies battered the helpless and enslaved someone for over twenty years...


                        • Anna

                          Originally posted by Simon View Post
                          Incidentally, I have reported Posts 18 and 19 above, as I believe them a) to have been made solely to disrupt the thread and b) to irritate me. I further believe them c) to contribute nothing of value to the subject of the thread.

                          Post exhibiting these characteristics, I understand, show evidence of internet trolling.
                          My Dear Simon, is there a need for this? Cannot you put the gentlemen in question on ignore and desist in worrying frenchie who is away from the MB for a while and surely doesn't want to come back to petty squabbling?

                          You used to be a lot more fun on the old R3MB when you could be teased about being 40 and still wearing trainers and rugby shirts! You have, recently, turned into a bit of a stuffed shirt (if you don't mind me saying so)


                          • Simon

                            Originally posted by Anna View Post
                            My Dear Simon, is there a need for this? Cannot you put the gentlemen in question on ignore and desist in worrying frenchie who is away from the MB for a while and surely doesn't want to come back to petty squabbling?

                            You used to be a lot more fun on the old R3MB when you could be teased about being 40 and still wearing trainers and rugby shirts! You have, recently, turned into a bit of a stuffed shirt (if you don't mind me saying so)
                            I don't mind. Maybe you are right. I rarely worry ff - it's others who complain - but perhaps ignore would be best. Someone else has just pmd me to suggest that would be a good idea.

                            And I wasn't 40, then, though sadly I am more than that now, of course. And I still wear rugby shirts now and then, but not so often trainers...


                            • handsomefortune

                              anyway, anyway, anyway, back on topic to discuss the subject of cycling and being run over ...anyone?

                              perhaps harry & kate might like to wade in, add their public support towards improvements for london cyclists? though i read that a friend of harry's has just been banned from driving, and for pretty wreckless behavior, including his non attendance at court hearings. he is a busy night cub owner though, so perhaps he was too busy for rules and regs?


                              • subcontrabass
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 2780

                                Originally posted by Simon View Post

                                As for the Traveller family - that doesn't surprise me, Calum. What ridiculous short sentences for people who clearly enslaved others for years!

                                There are far too many of these people living on the edge of the law and believing that they can do what they want. Then they cry "human rights" when the police try to apply the rules.
                                Five members of a traveller family who were found guilty of keeping their own private workforce are jailed.

