Another avoidable tragedy...

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  • Simon
    • Mar 2025

    Another avoidable tragedy...

    A motorist who opened his car door in front of a cyclist who was crushed by a bus is found not guilty of manslaughter.

    This story makes for sad reading.

    I'm no excuser of the way some cyclists hog the road in groups around here, but one wonders how this tragedy could have happened without criminal negligence being involved. I wouldn't mind seeing the transcript in due course.

    Just occasionally, you see these cars that are blacked out, but they're rare hereabouts. One wonders why this Ayadogdu should have felt the need to restrict his visibility to 17%. What didn't he want people to see? And isn't there a law requiring certain standards of visibility?
  • aka Calum Da Jazbo
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 9173

    Five members of the same traveller family are found guilty of keeping their own private workforce.

    even sadder reading and it has been going on for years and still is no doubt
    According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38194

      Unless the car's driver was standing at traffic lights, one wonders how he could have been parked in a bus lane in the first place.

      He is very lucky to have been acquitted. This happened to me once, when a motorist opened his door right in front of me. Fortunately for me, I escaped with bruised knuckles; the door snapped right off at the hinges, but he actually had the good grace to admit fault and apologise!


      • Simon

        You were lucky too, S-A. If there had been another vehicle close...

        As for the Traveller family - that doesn't surprise me, Calum. What ridiculous short sentences for people who clearly enslaved others for years!

        There are far too many of these people living on the edge of the law and believing that they can do what they want. Then they cry "human rights" when the police try to apply the rules.


        • Thropplenoggin

          Originally posted by Simon View Post
          You were lucky too, S-A. If there had been another vehicle close...

          As for the Traveller family - that doesn't surprise me, Calum. What ridiculous short sentences for people who clearly enslaved others for years!

          There are far too many of these people living on the edge of the law and believing that they can do what they want. Then they cry "human rights" when the police try to apply the rules.
          "It's political correctness gone mad!"


          • Bryn
            • Mar 2007
            • 24688

            Originally posted by Simon View Post
            What ridiculous short sentences for people who clearly enslaved others for years!
            What sentences are you referring to? The report I read claimed they were to be sentenced on Monday. Still, if you have inside information illegally obtained from the judge ...


            • Thropplenoggin

              I wonder if Bryn will still be baiting Simon on Christmas Day?


              • Bryn
                • Mar 2007
                • 24688

                Originally posted by Thropplenoggin View Post
                I wonder if Bryn will still be baiting Simon on Christmas Day?
                Well if 'Simon' were actually to read the report linked to before making such, as yet, unfounded comments re. sentences ... .


                • Simon

                  Originally posted by Thropplenoggin View Post
                  I wonder if Bryn will still be baiting Simon on Christmas Day?

                  He's been doing it for years, and I don't mind at all! Who was it who said something about being worried by a dead sheep...?

                  But you are right, Thropple - it is clearly one result of the excessive attention to rights and the ignoring of responsibilities that has become known as "political correctness".

                  As for the sentences - wait and see. Then compare them with the two years handed down to the yellowist for improving one of the Tate Modern's, er, masterpieces of skill...


                  • Bryn
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 24688

                    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                    Unless the car's driver was standing at traffic lights, one wonders how he could have been parked in a bus lane in the first place.

                    He is very lucky to have been acquitted. This happened to me once, when a motorist opened his door right in front of me. Fortunately for me, I escaped with bruised knuckles; the door snapped right off at the hinges, but he actually had the good grace to admit fault and apologise!

                    Checking on an earlier report of the trial, it appears the man whose car window had been intentionally reduced to 17% visibility was parked in a lay-by alongside the bus lane. The issue the jury was called upon to decide was whether he opened the door just a little so check behind, or whether he simply opened the door fully without checking. Why the Hell did he not open the window to check behind if he was stupid enough to have chosen to reduce the visibility from his driving seat?


                    • Lateralthinking1

                      There is a cycle lane in Purley on which many cars are parked. The cars belong to owners of houses on the road. I estimate that the houses are each worth at least £500,000 and all have garages and empty driveways. I can only assume that the "people" object to the cycle lane. Because of their behaviour, cyclists have to cycle nearer to the centre of the road and other vehicles are forced over further to the centre. Accidents will happen. It may well be that those who are putting lives in jeopardy are permitted to do so by the police and Croydon Council on the grounds that the perpetrators can probably afford a good legal team. Foxley Lane should anyone of influence care to know and feel a need to construct an artificial argument to assist in ongoing wimping out.
                      Last edited by Guest; 14-12-12, 19:46.


                      • Simon

                        Can't the local press get involved, Lat? They can sometimes be a useful ally... Or does its editor live on said road...


                        • Lateralthinking1

                          Originally posted by Simon View Post
                          Can't the local press get involved, Lat? They can sometimes be a useful ally.
                          Yes, a good point. They are a bit "in house" but it might be worth a try.


                          • Stunsworth
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 1553

                            Originally posted by Simon View Post
                            As for the Traveller family - that doesn't surprise me, Calum. What ridiculous short sentences for people who clearly enslaved others for years!
                            Simon, could you remind me what those sentences were?



                            • Simon

                              Originally posted by Stunsworth View Post
                              Simon, could you remind me what those sentences were?

                              See above. We'll have to wait till Monday to be sure. My point is that one can assume they will be ridiculously short for the offences compared with the yellow paint thrower. If I'm wrong, and the Judge gives them 20 years, then I'll be the first to apologise, admit my error and say I'm delighted.

