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  • Simon
    • Mar 2025


    Philip Bowring says that China's focus on its role as a victim of past humiliationsis tempered by the historical spread, both inside and outside its current borders, of its largest ethnic group

    Some of you who are interested in China and its development - and the recent changes - may find the above link worth a look. It's not my area of concern as regards my work, but of course in one sense what China does and how it relates to its neighbours is important to us all.

    Philip Bowring is recognised as an astute and experienced journalist, and many read his comments with interest.
  • eighthobstruction
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 6521

    Yes, China is a extremely interesting nation, mostly unfathomable and with a different world view. The lack of 'true' historical knowledge of their past inhibits the vast population. Not quite sure of the point of this feature you flag up....for us we really need maps and such to even begin to understand it....seems a much bigger subject than thses few paragraphs can explain....

    Musically, these very sad interviews with ex orchestra members and their children, which explores the multifacetted dilemmas faced by peope during the Cultural Revolution delivers a great deal about the mindset of recent generations of Chinese....gosh, the generation gaps in China must be chasms....

    If you get a chgance this is a tremendous read about the hysteria and mendacity of those times of the Great Leap Forward
    Last edited by eighthobstruction; 03-12-12, 12:29.
    bong ching


    • Simon

      Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
      Not quite sure of the point of this feature you flag up....for us we really need maps and such to even begin to understand it....seems a much bigger subject than thses few paragraphs can explain....
      Absolutely, 8O. And I was hoping, insofar as I hoped for anything, not for a big discussion but that others interested might chip in with comments or experiences or other interesting and relevant links.

      Exactly as you have done, for which many thanks!

