I read into this - its up to you - when you think the time is right with enough data, close the poll and do the count. These boards are bit like ideas being hatched in a pub. Stated off with overtures to brighten Saly's day - we end up with a Breakfast petition - great stuff!
Your six Favourite Overtures......all by different composers please.
Biggin: A Sussex Overture
Chabrier: Gwendoline
Coleridge-Taylor: Hiawatha
Copland: An Outdoor Overture
Fenby: Rossini on Ilkla Moor
Gershwin: Cuban Overture
Ginastera: Creole Faust
Kodaly: Theatre
Lilburn: Aotearoa
Villa-Lobos: Floresta do AmazonasLast edited by Guest; 24-11-12, 16:25.
Ah I see I misunderstood the rules,we need to nominate 10 by different composers.
Please then ignore my post # 124, and please accept my top 10.
Vaughan Williams / The Poisoned Kiss.
Alwyn / Derby Day.
Arnold / A Sussex Overture.
Elgar / Cockaigne.
Dyson / At The Tabard Inn .
Mendelssohn / Calm Sea And Prosperous Voyage.
Lloyd / John Socman.
Brahms / Tragic Overture.
Walton / Johannesburg Festival Overture.
Parry / Overture to an Unwritten Tragedy.
Votes posted on behalf of an owner
Ov.Yeomen of the Guard -Sullivan
Humperdinck -Prelude/overture to Hansel and Gretel
Dvorak Carnival
Elgar - Cockaigne
Arnold - A grand,grand overture
Mozart Marriage of Figaro
Geoffrey Bush - overture The Rehearsal
Adam Carse -Overture Holiday
Francis Chagrin - Helter Skelter, a comedy overture
Adrian Cruft - Overture Tamburlaine
John Ireland -overture Satyricon
Remo Lauricella - Overture Fleet Street
With less than an hour to go:
Mendelssohn - Midsummer Night's Dream (or Hebrides - can't choose)
Weber - Freischutz
Berlioz - Carnaval Romain
Lalo - Roi d'Ys
Wagner - Meistersinger (or Parsifal - can't choose)
Barber - School for Scandal
Beethoven - Fidelio
Rimsky-Korsakov - May Night (or Maid of Pskov - can't choose!)
Walton - Scapino
Brahms - Academic Festival
There are a couple of new ones in there - and apologies for my indecision. It would probably be a completely different selection yesterday or tomorrow.
Originally posted by Roslynmuse View PostWith less than an hour to go:
Mendelssohn - Midsummer Night's Dream (or Hebrides - can't choose)
Weber - Freischutz
Berlioz - Carnaval Romain
Lalo - Roi d'Ys
Wagner - Meistersinger (or Parsifal - can't choose)
Barber - School for Scandal
Beethoven - Fidelio
Rimsky-Korsakov - May Night (or Maid of Pskov - can't choose!)
Walton - Scapino
Brahms - Academic Festival
There are a couple of new ones in there - and apologies for my indecision. It would probably be a completely different selection yesterday or tomorrow.
Many thanks Roslynmuse your late entry had a considerable impact on the final result which is shown on the Breakfast Recommendations thread......
Originally posted by antongould View PostMy own and then I really must leave here - Lady Gould's breakfast tray was 13 minutes late this morning - unlucky for me!
Alwyn:Derby Day
Bax:Rogues Comedy
Berlioz :Roman Carnival
Bush:The Rehearsal
MCCunn :The Land of the Mountain and the Flood
Moeran:To a Masque
Pitfield : Overture on Northern Tunes
Rossini :The Thieving Magpie
Berlioz. Le Corsair. RPO Beecham.
Weber. Oberon. A real test for the 1st violin section!
Mendelssohn. Ruy Blas. A piece I've always loved since my dad had an Lp of The Philharmonia under Nicolai Malko on MfP.
Dvorak. Carnival Overture. Wonderful piece to play!
Barber. School for Scandal Overture. Another great piece to play.
Sibelius. Karelia Overture. I had the Gibson/SNO Lp and almost wore it out.
Alas, if I never heard
DSCH's Festive Overture or Bernstein's Candide overtures again it would be too soon. Mainly due to lazy programming by BBC Radio3. It seemed that these two works were played every bloody morning!
Originally posted by pastoralguy View Post
Alas, if I never heard
DSCH's Festive Overture or Bernstein's Candide overtures again it would be too soon. Mainly due to lazy programming by BBC Radio3. It seemed that these two works were played every bloody morning!