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  • Anna

    Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
    I'm sure that Simon can expain all this, Anna
    Oi! You!! For years I have worked for Chartered Survyors (go on, snigger! And, nothing to do with Quantity Surveyors) Actually they are not as boring as **** and are really cool. Why else should they employ me?
    Edit: I have to rush and produce a quick veggie curry, see you much later ....


    • EdgeleyRob
      • Nov 2010
      • 12180

      Originally posted by Anna View Post
      In my last job there was a pretty strict rule - if someone turned up with a real stinker of a cough and cold (not just a bit sniffly but a full-blown honking affair) then as long as the work could be redistributed they were sent home for 3 days (which is the amount of time you can be absentee through illness without a Doctor's note I think) To me this seemed so sensible in curbing infection to other employees who were grateful to be spared even if it meant more work for a couple of days. No-one is indispensible. However, this was not in a large organisation but a small country practice where we all pulled together.
      Where I work there is a major enquiry and investigation if you go off sick, unless you are attached to a drip and barely alive.


      • mangerton
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3346

        Originally posted by Anna View Post
        Oi! You!! For years I have worked for Chartered Survyors (go on, snigger! And, nothing to do with Quantity Surveyors) Actually they are not as boring as **** and are really cool. Why else should they employ me?
        Edit: I have to rush and produce a quick veggie curry, see you much later ....
        I'm sure you'd be an asset to any employer, Anna.

        PS Please make some curry for me; I'm at work until 8.00.

