Two years ... and still no investigation?

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  • Simon
    • Mar 2025

    Two years ... and still no investigation?

    I expect most will have heard something of this, which has been rumbling on for a while. It's going to be interesting in the not too distant future, though, I think...

    Talk about snouts in the trough! Though of course it has to be said that "having a Swiss bank account with millions of Euros, especially if you are a "housewife" married to a politician, does not necessarily mean that your husband or yourself has evaded any tax." Obviously. Naturally. Of course. I mean, it's just the spare change that you happen to have in your pockets when you nip over to Zurich that you drop in for safe-keeping. That's all.
  • teamsaint
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 25302

    But the people who would set up the investigation are surely the same types who benefit from the schemes?

    look , for instance, at tony blairs recent CV.......and he is a member of the workers party.
    Looks like he has lost his chains, even if the rest of us haven't.

    Here's an extract from his wikipedia listing...

    In January 2008, it was confirmed that Blair would be joining investment bank JPMorgan Chase in a "senior advisory capacity"[157] and that he would advise Zurich Financial Services on climate change. Some sources have claimed that his role at JP Morgan will pay more than $1m a year.[157] This additional salary will contribute to annual earnings of over £7m.[158]
    Blair also gives lectures and earns up to US$250,000 for a 90-minute speech.[159][160] Yale University announced on 7 March 2008 that Blair will teach a course on issues of faith and globalisation at the Yale Schools of Management and Divinity as a Howland distinguished fellow during the 2008–09 academic year.[161]
    Blair's links with, and receipt of an undisclosed sum from, UI Energy Corporation, a Korean company with oil interests in northern Iraq, have also been subject to media comment in the UK.[162]
    Speculation places his personal wealth at £60 million, mostly earned since his tenure as Prime Minister, and owns nine properties around the world.[163] In July 2010 it was reported that his personal security guards claimed £250,000 a year in expenses from the tax payer, Foreign Secretary William Hague said; "we have to make sure that [Blair's security] is as cost-effective as possible, that it doesn't cost any more to the taxpayer than is absolutely necessary".[164]
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

    I am not a number, I am a free man.


    • Eine Alpensinfonie
      • Nov 2010
      • 20590

      Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
      ... at tony blairs recent CV.......and he is a member of the workers party.
      Dennis Skinner used to say everyone was working class. When people protested, he would say: "You work, don't you?"


      • Simon

        Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
        But the people who would set up the investigation are surely the same types who benefit from the schemes?
        Yes, ts. That was the point that I was trying to make, with a bit of heavy irony...!


        • teamsaint
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 25302

          Originally posted by Simon View Post
          Yes, ts. That was the point that I was trying to make, with a bit of heavy irony...!
          I guess.
          Thought i would add some sweeping generalisations, and do a bit of rabble rousing.
          please use the "heavy irony" smiley otherwise you will get more of the same !! Still, good to know we are all singing from the same hymn sheet !

          (actually I thought you might be making some unspoken, but rather more specific point, with reference to some specific organisation).
          I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

          I am not a number, I am a free man.


          • Simon

            Originally posted by teamsaint View Post

            (actually I thought you might be making some unspoken, but rather more specific point, with reference to some specific organisation).
            You're ahead of things, ts. Better not, yet! But person, rather than organisation.


            • french frank
              • Feb 2007
              • 30818

              Thanks for that, Simon. I don't often get to see the South China Morning Post
              It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


              • ahinton
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 16123

                Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                Dennis Skinner used to say everyone was working class. When people protested, he would say: "You work, don't you?"
                He must have been echoing the sentiments (if indeed that's what they were) of the Duke of Edinburgh when he described his wife years ago as "working class" because she worked...


                • Simon

                  Originally posted by french frank View Post
                  Thanks for that, Simon. I don't often get to see the South China Morning Post
                  You're welcome. But you should! Though it's not my area of interest or concern, colleagues involved over there rate it highly, and there's hardly a week without some email link to it appearing in my inbox.

                  But as regards this story, there is a lot out there from many sources. And more to come, I think.


                  • Serial_Apologist
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 38194

                    Originally posted by Simon View Post
                    You're welcome. But you should! Though it's not my area of interest or concern, colleagues involved over there rate it highly, and there's hardly a week without some email link to it appearing in my inbox.

                    But as regards this story, there is a lot out there from many sources. And more to come, I think.
                    And one hopes, perhaps, from your Asian acquaintances who run your local corner shop. Or have they emigrated to China?


                    • Simon

                      Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                      And one hopes, perhaps, from your Asian acquaintances who run your local corner shop. Or have they emigrated to China?
                      You are a troll and I have reported your stupid post.


                      • french frank
                        • Feb 2007
                        • 30818

                        Could we please have a moratorium on posts that repeatedly target the same member?

                        This doesn't preclude robust dissection of the arguments presented, but I would like to see an end to the various references including The Professor, Nutwood, work at the FCO, unnamed friends in high places &c.

                        I shall post this also on Announcements.

                        Please note: the posts on this subject have also been moved to Announcements.
                        Last edited by french frank; 02-11-12, 10:45.
                        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                        • eighthobstruction
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 6531

                          Are we still allowed to say sarcastically 'anyone'....

                          'ANYONE' who thinks S-A is a troll, obviously has not been carefully paying attention to the comings and goings of this, and previous Mbs for the last six years. Anyone who has paid attention will no doubt draw their own conclusions....
                          bong ching


                          • Serial_Apologist
                            Full Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 38194

                            Originally posted by Simon View Post
                            You are a troll and I have reported your stupid post.
                            My post was sent in the same spirit of banter as is regularly exchanged between myself, Ams, Calum da jazbo, salymap, Anna, handsomefortune, and others too numerous to list, and accepted as such.


                            • Simon

                              Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                              My post was sent in the same spirit of banter as is regularly exchanged between myself, Ams, Calum da jazbo, salymap, Anna, handsomefortune, and others too numerous to list, and accepted as such.
                              Thank you. I'm aware of how banter works on here and engage in it myself regularly enough.

                              I have now considered your comment and decided, rightly or wrongly, whether or not to accept it at face value.

