Polling cards arrived here at Tarleton Towers a few days ago for the election on 15 November. Since nothing else about the elections has come through the door, and with a little over two weeks to go, I googled the election for my area (the geographically huge Dyfed Powys) and found this - just two candidates, neither of whom has made themselves known to me. You can vote for more than one candidate
which is a bit of a nonsense with just two candidates.
I can think of no good reason to vote for either candidate, nor indeed to depart from the status quo. Is the best course simply to do one's bit to ensure a pathetically small turnout in the hope the project is abandoned? What are other MBers' experiences of this election thus far?

I can think of no good reason to vote for either candidate, nor indeed to depart from the status quo. Is the best course simply to do one's bit to ensure a pathetically small turnout in the hope the project is abandoned? What are other MBers' experiences of this election thus far?