your favourite works for string orchestra

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  • gurnemanz
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 7469

    Strauss R. - Metamorphosen
    Mozart Divertimento K136
    Tchaikovsky - Serenade
    Stravinsky - Apollo (especially having seen it danced a couple of years ago)

    There must be more ....


    • Petrushka
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 12435

      For me, the Strauss Metamorphosen, Schoenberg Verklarte Nacht, RVW Tallis Fantasia and Tchaikovsky Serenade are the greatest compositions for strings, the Strauss being a particular favourite.

      Anyone else like the arrangement for string orchestra of the Beethoven op 131 String Quartet which was recorded by the VPO and Leonard Bernstein?
      "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


      • AmpH
        • Feb 2012
        • 1318

        BEETHOVEN String Quartets Op 131 & 135 versions for string orchestra , played by the VPO Strings under Bernstein (DG)


        • teamsaint
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 25293

          Originally posted by mercia View Post
          so I'll start at number one

          they aren't universally popular...
          I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

          I am not a number, I am a free man.


          • AmpH
            • Feb 2012
            • 1318

            Originally posted by Petrushka View Post
            For me, the Strauss Metamorphosen, Schoenberg Verklarte Nacht, RVW Tallis Fantasia and Tchaikovsky Serenade are the greatest compositions for strings, the Strauss being a particular favourite.

            Anyone else like the arrangement for string orchestra of the Beethoven op 131 String Quartet which was recorded by the VPO and Leonard Bernstein?
            perfect timing Petrushka !


            • EdgeleyRob
              • Nov 2010
              • 12180

              Originally posted by Aubade View Post
              Nobody has mentioned Finzi. Mainly an elegaist but some lovely music for strings, particularly a Prelude for… and a Romance for…

              Also Warlock's Capriol Suite.

              And I've just checked Ireland's Downland Suite on Wikipedia in case it had some sneak woodwind and discovered it was written for brass band which I never knew. I have only ever heard the string orch version (by Geoffrey Bush apparently).
              Speaking of Warlock there is the beautiful Serenade for the 60th Birthday of Frederick Delius, which I should have included in my original list.


              • Petrushka
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 12435

                Originally posted by AmpH View Post
                perfect timing Petrushka !
                "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                • jayne lee wilson
                  • Jul 2011
                  • 10711

                  Listening to much Holmboe just now, so I must mention his epic "Chairos" for String Orchestra, some 56' long, a work of great surface beauty and motivic depth, which can also be played as separate Sinfonias 1-4.

                  Skalkottas' compelling Ten Sketches for Strings were almost popular once (!), and he added a further Little Suite to them.

                  Birtwistle writes very strikingly for the medium in "Still Movement"; and the recently released "The Tree of Strings", even if we only have a quartet version so far.

                  Other favourites are the Tippett Fantasia and Double Concerto of course, and Bartok's Divertimento (which just has to be Barshai and the Moscow Chamber Orchestra, open reel transfer available at HDTT)


                  • Roslynmuse
                    Full Member
                    • Jun 2011
                    • 1284

                    Well, if the Bartok Music for strings etc is allowed, I'm going to claim Dutilleux Mystere de l'instant (which has percussion and cimbalom). It it's not, it's a favourite piece for a different thread!

                    Haven't yet seen Holst St Paul's Suite mentioned which always brings back happy memories; love the Tchaikovsky Serenade and Souvenir de Florence, and Schoenberg Verlaerte Nacht. Also the string orchestra version of the Berg Lyric Suite. Britten Bridge Variations, Tippett Concerto and Corelli Fantasia, Bridge Suite for Strings, Elgar Serenade and Intro + Allegro. Roussel Sinfonietta - small but perfectly formed! And as far as the Barber Adagio goes - Thomas Schippers' recording is the one to hear.


                    • ahinton
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 16123

                      Originally posted by Hey Nonymous View Post
                      Concert at the Carl-Orff-Saal/Gasteig in Munich on March 30, 2006. Conductor: Johannes Kalitzke.

                      (I much prefer Verklärte Nacht in its original string sextet version ).
                      Hear, hear! The string orchestra version(s?) is/are most brilliantly done, as one might expect from a string player such as Schönberg was, but the sense of emotional intimacy and intensity that imbues the work's every bar is inevitably less amenable to treatment by a large string group than by six soloists.


                      • jayne lee wilson
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 10711

                        Roslynmuse - the Bartok Divertimento is a distinct piece for Strings alone...
                        Yes, do like that Dutilleux though!

                        Schoenberg also made a version of the 2nd String Quartet for String Orchestra - still with soprano of course...


                        • ahinton
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 16123

                          Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                          Listening to much Holmboe just now, so I must mention his epic "Chairos" for String Orchestra, some 56' long, a work of great surface beauty and motivic depth, which can also be played as separate Sinfonias 1-4.

                          Skalkottas' compelling Ten Sketches for Strings were almost popular once (!), and he added a further Little Suite to them.

                          Birtwistle writes very strikingly for the medium in "Still Movement"; and the recently released "The Tree of Strings", even if we only have a quartet version so far.

                          Other favourites are the Tippett Fantasia and Double Concerto of course, and Bartok's Divertimento (which just has to be Barshai and the Moscow Chamber Orchestra, open reel transfer available at HDTT)
                          I might have known that you'd come up with interesting candidates to go along with the usual ones of VW, Tippett and Bridge, Schönberg, Tchaikovsky, Bartók and Strauss - but I didn't suspect that even you would come up with that Holmboe piece! Why his music isn't far better known than it is, even in his native land, I have less than no idea. And, since we're in Scandinavia with Holmboe, may I also make a plea for Pettersson's three concertos for string orchestra? - none of them as well known as most of his symphonies but splendid piece nevertheless, again from an inveterate string player...


                          • Roslynmuse
                            Full Member
                            • Jun 2011
                            • 1284

                            [QUOTE=jayne lee wilson;215460]Roslynmuse - the Bartok Divertimento is a distinct piece for Strings alone...

                            I was referring to the Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta someone referred to earlier. Sorry not to be clear. I've always thought it odd that the title isn't made even more unwieldy by referring to the important and prominent piano part as well - surely no more or less a percussion instrument than a celesta?


                            • ahinton
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 16123

                              Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                              Roslynmuse - the Bartok Divertimento is a distinct piece for Strings alone...
                              Yes, do like that Dutilleux though!

                              Schoenberg also made a version of the 2nd String Quartet for String Orchestra - still with soprano of course...
                              Yes, and, once again, I almost wish that he hadn't bothered - and for largely similar reasons to those that inform my profound reservations about Verklärte Nacht in massive sweeping string orchestral garb, despite the immense skill with which the arrangements were made!...

                              The Dutilleux is the final and least obvious answer to the silly question about three works inspired by coffee - the Bach Coffee Cantata, De Sylva / Brown's You're the Cream in my ditto and, as almost all French know better than most, why anyone would even contemplate imbibing "instant coffee" is a mystère more unfathomable (at least to them) than English cheese. Seriously, though, that work is indeed marvellous - but then few pieces by Dutilleux are not...


                              • Boilk
                                Full Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 976

                                Adrian Cruft: Divertimento for Strings
                                Hugo Distler: Harpsichord Concerto Op.14 ... 3rd movt (of four) below

