Originally posted by scottycelt
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John Shelton
Originally posted by MrGongGong View PostSo I guess we can ignore the "example" of the beardyman then
what seems more than a little ridiculous is that the apologists for religion will bend over backwards to justify NOT doing what their religion suggests in the name of "common sense"
pure hypocrisy
how about prioritising those who have the least ?
not much chance of that is there ?
Forgive my innocence but I seem to remember that the "message" of the "great religion" was
"Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me."
"Jesus said, given the fiscal difficulties we are under we should be prudent and manage our investments to give the maximum of profit and if there's anything left maybe give a bit to help the poor but don't worry because God is an Englishman and will understand the need for sensible financial planning"
Originally posted by french frank View PostTo raise the standard of the dialectic here, I think it's time for a pythonesque Summarise Marx. Following which Simon will summarise the alternative strategy 'needed to put things on a more even footing' which he has arrived at.
Perhaps it's bath night?
Originally posted by Hey Nonymous View PostAre you suggesting that heliocentric and Hey Nonymous are the same person registered under two user names?
I've never ever come across any twins who are the same person, and I don't believe that there is any real scientific or even anecdotal evidence that such beings actually exist.
John Shelton
Originally posted by scottycelt View PostHeavens, I would never be so 'preemptive' as to suggest anything of the sort, Hey Nony ...No
I've never ever come across any twins who are the same person, and I don't believe that there is any real scientific or even anecdotal evidence that such beings actually exist.. You should be on the telly.
I do wish we could move the sockpuppet allegations somewhere else.
As for the beardyman, wasn't he the one who approved the actions of the servants who invested their master's capital wisely and returned it with substantial capital gain, and upbraided the servant who put the capital into a hole in the ground instead of - wait for this, it's a good one - depositing it with the bankers? I'll think you'll find he was.
As for summarising the other beardyman, it's already been done. The classic precis, at least when I was an undergraduate, was: "A big boring book about Victorian economics written by an old man with a beard buried in Highgate.".
Originally posted by heliocentric View PostI have corrected my post and replaced the ellipsis with emphasis, since you think it makes so much difference. Now perhaps you would do the same.
Originally posted by heliocentric View PostI said nothing about what kind of country I want to live in, but since you've apparently drawn your own conclusions, I would prefer to live in a country where power is . . . concentrated in the hands of . . . few individuals.
Originally posted by An_Inspector_Calls View PostIt counters your statement "the drive to economic growth leads necessarily to reckless exploitation of finite natural resources". It doesn't, all growth does is move them around.bong ching