Many happy returns, Gamba, and I look forward to reading many more stories.
Steam Railways
Originally posted by gamba View PostAm intrigued to discover ' Giants of Steam ' now available with ' Coronation Scot ' being sold as ' Awesome Giants of Steam ' for 1d. upwards. I'm getting one of my sons to give me this as a birthday present, only a more expensive version & in better condition, costing 2d. from Amazon. The ' Flying Scotsman ' film sent me searching the web for ' Giants of Steam ' & sure enough there it was, filmed in 1963. A bit of a ' cock up ' in some reports re.credits. It was in fact a BBC Scotland production, not British Transport Films. The director was John Read, a very talented ' Monitor ' person renowned for his films on artists & I was responsible for the camerawork, a most pleasurable experience. I've never seen a foot of it since sending the film off for processing, 50 years ago ! What a delightful present awaits me !
A minor annoyance is having one's name spelt wrongly in the credits, however that's a small matter. Although 50 years does seem a long time to wait to see if one's 'snaps' have turned out alright !Still makes me think of a medical condition
This sounds like a wonderful birthday present but when is the Big Day, gamba? And is it a Big One?
Whatever, whenever, all the very best for a great day and many more to come
Originally posted by doversoul View PostMany happy returns, Gamba, and I look forward to reading many more well!
enjoy the birthday gamba and the recollections of the steam age ... yours prompted me to recall the hugeness of Kings X and Newcastle Stations when i was small - probably about the time you were shooting films in your prime!According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Originally posted by antongould View Post.....and from me Gamba and many more to come......
I be going to start an 'Appy Birthday Gamba thread!!"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by Caliban View PostLikewise from me... I think this occasion merits not being hidden away in this thread!
I be going to start an 'Appy Birthday Gamba thread!!
... and, as anton says, many more to come![FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
without any slight to Gamba maybe the topic can be somewhat rerailed and possibly a brief explantion as to how roundhouses actually work sent to the R6 presenter on tonight's 'baroque ' concert.Last edited by Frances_iom; 11-03-13, 20:41.
the Beeching Report fifty years old today apparently
was he hero or villain asks the BBC
Originally posted by mercia View Postthe Beeching Report fifty years old today apparently
was he hero or villain asks the BBC