Originally posted by french frank
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The Balkans jibe that is made by the Nigel Farage & other Little Englanders is simply ridiculous. The countries concerned were then all outwith the EU which surely proves the point of the EU and not that it was somehow responsible for not stopping the last Balkans tragedy.

War is unthinkable between countries within the EU as it would be in no country's interest to cause a conflict.
That was always the root reason for the building the EU and it remains its central pillar. An inspection of European history over the last century shows just what an astounding and gratifying success it has been.
The EU thoroughly deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. I also hope that in the WW1 commemoration ceremonies in 2014 our government rises to the occasion and suggests a parade of troops of the former warring countries marching together down the Mall, with the EU flag at its head. It would be a huge signal that the obscene mass slaughter of many young boys in that war and the one which followed was not entirely in vain.
Sadly, I fear insularity and outdated chauvinism is still too deeply-ingrained in UK government circles, and indeed a large slice of the British public, to allow this to happen.