The Doctrinaire stupidity of the BBC

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  • teamsaint
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 25235

    Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
    Warning! Warning! Sweeping generalisation alert. I have rarely heard the share price of specific companies being quoted 'with spectacular frequency'. Care to define 'spectacular'?

    Oh, do you mean the 'parasites' that work for our pension funds trying their level best to ensure a steady growth ?

    Or anyone who invests in shares? See above comment or consider companies trying to raise money by issuing shares so that the company can grow, create wealth for the company, their stakeholders and, via tax, contribute to the welfare of the country and as a useful by-product employ more people?

    You really have a spectacularly skewed view on the world of finance.
    seriously though, RM, do actually read what people post rather than talk about what you think they are talking about.
    Spectacular frequency.Every major bulletin on the TV and radio.
    Ordinary fluctuations, as I said, are of no interest to 99% of us 99% of the time, because they matter only to city gamblers.

    Our pension funds? Whose? most people I know don't have a pension fund, or have had it stripped bare by politicians. Share capital has to be raised. Most of the rest of the activity, including currency markets , is parasitical
    As for sweeping generalisations...Its great to know that you can work out everything I know and think about finance from one short post. That is clever.
    What you call sweeping generalisation is what some people call an opinion.

    You know what, RM. I have spent the last 25 years selling British goods to British firms. I have seen and been involved in a lot of wealth creation. partly as a result , I know a financial parasite when I see one. And when I look at the city and banks I see a LOT of them.
    Last edited by teamsaint; 26-09-12, 16:20.
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    • aka Calum Da Jazbo
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 9173

      You really have a spectacularly skewed view on the world of finance.
      not a view that is too difficult to acquire at the best of times and a near certainty since 2008 et seq and including LIBOR fixing ...i would argue that to defend the hedge funds and city houses including pension funds who lost billions of their annuitants dosh is to have a peculiarly rosy and one sided view of the city and banks ... from what i gather from friends who work in them they are nasty and crooks ...

      the incestuousness of the BBC Management is not just bonking it is a closed mind closed group closed language

      a pal of sprog is currently an intern at AUNT and is expressly forbidden to open her mouth in the presence of senior staff .... it is a politburo system, all it can produce is doctrine, and stuupidity since it only acts in its own interest as a ruling elite ,,, exactly like the Stalin or present china politburo totalitarian systems ..
      According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


      • Resurrection Man

        Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
        seriously though, RM, do actually read what people post rather than talk about what you think they are talking about.
        I did.

        Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
        Spectacular frequency.
        I checked the dictionary definition of 'spectacular'. The closest to what I assume you meant is spectacular - having a quality that thrusts itself into attention
        Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
        Every major bulletin on the TV and radio.
        Every? Radio 4 for example gives the Footsie on the Today programme and on the 5pm News Programme. Between 8am and 5pm there are another eight news updates where the Footsie is not 'spectacularly' mentioned. Does it get mentioned on every R3 news bulletin? Or even BBC1 News? Channel 4 mentions it right at the end of the programme. Over in seconds. Nothing to get wound-up about.

        I would agree with you that the mention of the Footsie probably is only of passing interest to most listeners but I don't get that worked up about it. It's over in seconds, for God sake.

        Same thing goes for the incredibly brief mention of the pound vs the Euro or dollar. Over in seconds. Yet according to your post I object to economic news being centred around the stock and currency markets. It simply is not or perhaps you're shouting at the radio too much to hear the rest of the economic news?

        No, it's your next comment whereby you brand everyone in the City a parasite and a gambler. Your are entitled to I am to mine in saying that you have such a skewed viewpoint that you seem to hate everyone and everything to do with the City. Like it or not, a good pension fund manager will use stock market price variations to help increase pension funds.

        So most of the people you know don't have a pension fund. There are several million people in the UK who do have a pension and they are pretty thankful to your 'parasites' for helping their pension fund grow.

        So why not give your hatred of the Finance Sector a bit of a break?


        • teamsaint
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 25235

          hatred , RM? your words. Not me matey.Don't do hate. Must be in your head.
          I just want a decent deal for people. We have been screwed by the banks and the city, I assume you don't want to see that, because it cannot be the case that you can't see it.

          On detail. even the bulletins you mention are too many for the gambling news when there is real and important stuff that goes unreported on the mainstream bulletins.
          Oh dear, I expect that is a sweeping generalisation.

          Anyway, got to get back to figuring how 12000 quadrupled 2 .5 times makes half a million. My calculator seems to be doing it wrong.
          Last edited by teamsaint; 26-09-12, 17:27.
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          • David-G
            Full Member
            • Mar 2012
            • 1216

            I really do not look at this Forum to read politics. But I will just say that I do have a pension fund; that I think the management of it is a matter of considerable importance; that I value the reports of the share indices; and that in my view, Radio 3 morning programming (except on Saturdays) is dire.


            • teamsaint
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 25235

              Originally posted by David-G View Post
              I really do not look at this Forum to read politics. But I will just say that I do have a pension fund; that I think the management of it is a matter of considerable importance; that I value the reports of the share indices; and that in my view, Radio 3 morning programming (except on Saturdays) is dire.
     point about the financial news is not that the markets don't matter. Its that the minor day to day fluctuations are not worthy of the air time given.
              Real financial news, such as reporting on poverty wages, or indeed things like tax raids on pension funds are.
              Day to day reporting of the footsie etc serve the purpose of emphasising things that benefit a few(dealers) rather than those that affect the many.
              There is a lOT of difference between hoping for, or expecting good performance from fund managers, which as RM suggested(I think) should be built on investing wisely in long term profitable companies, and the endless glamourising of the "get rich quick", (and get rich at others expense such as leveraged buyouts) gambling that comprises huge areas of city activity.

              Perhaps the news would do better to concentrate its time on the very large sectors of the workforce that don't have access to good private pension provision, rather than wasting it on the lives and times of the red braces brigade.

              Edit, sorry, not trying to engage you in political debate against your will, its just something I feel strongly about !
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              I am not a number, I am a free man.


              • Don Petter

                Originally posted by David-G View Post
                I really do not look at this Forum to read politics.
                Just another thread that has been hijacked!


                • teamsaint
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 25235

                  but the politics (and finance ) is what's on the news on breakfast every 15 mins !
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                  I am not a number, I am a free man.


                  • handsomefortune

                    I really do not look at this Forum to read politics.

                    why not?! it has some fascinating links and to all sorts of subjects.


                    • kernelbogey
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 5808

                      Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                      David [...] my point about the financial news is not that the markets don't matter. Its that the minor day to day fluctuations are not worthy of the air time given [....] There is a lOT of difference between hoping for, or expecting good performance from fund managers [...] and the endless glamourising of the "get rich quick", (and get rich at others expense such as leveraged buyouts) gambling that comprises huge areas of city activity [....]
                      I really wouldn't like to think that the people managing my pension fund relied on the footsie prices broadcast on R3 during In Tune. They have real-time reporting on computers on their desk, reflecting the market trends in lurid colour - and that's what they rely on. The Beeb's agenda here seems to me to be the notion that folk who have shares that are important parts of their wealth - and what proportion of the populace is that? - want some daily news about the state of the markets. Likewise, they can buy the FT daily or subscribe to one of innumerable information services.

                      Anyone who has the stamina (not I ) to listen to an hour or so of Breakfast will hear the same lead stories, albeit in some instances reduced to a headline, four times per hour. It's tedious enough to hear that on Radio Four (actually I think it's less frequently there) but in a music programme it is, as others have eloquently testified above, barbarous.


                      • scottycelt

                        Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
                        More news = less tweets ? Always a silver lining.
                        About 'tweets 'n' fings' ...

                        Yesterday BBC NEWS 24 or SKY NEWS (can't honestly remember which) had a report about the awful flooding in parts of the country. During the afternoon it interviewed a police officer in one of the affected parts with the interviewer asking the official whether he thought it was dangerous that people were visiting the flooded areas purely to take photographs and videos. Quite naturally (and bleedin' obviously) the officer responded that, while he understood the natural instinct of people to record such events, he felt it might be safer if they stayed well away and remained at home.

                        As soon as the interview ended, the newsreader thanked the police officer for his advice, and then turned to the camera and said ... ' if any viewers have further pictures of the floods in their area, please DO send them to us ..'


                        • Osborn

                          Originally posted by kernelbogey View Post
                          ...will hear the same lead stories, albeit in some instances reduced to a headline, four times per hour.
                          Are identical news bulletins really broadcast every 15mins from 6.30-9.00 Mon-Fri & 7.00-9.00 Sat, Sun, without fail?

                          As someone who very rarely listens to any music at all before evening, I would never have guessed. It does seem too much.


                          • JFLL
                            Full Member
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 780

                            Originally posted by Domeyhead View Post
                            "... catch up with important stories..."
                            Five words of BBC-speak which seem to me to sum up what's wrong. Firstly, the news consists of "stories" -- not events, happenings, facts, even interpretations of events, but "stories", fictions concocted for pseudo-artistic ends (and maybe have a beginning, middle and end, like all good fiction was supposed to). Secondly, "important" -- who's to say what's important if it's only just happened? A BBC journalist? Thirdly, we all need to "catch up" with said stories -- we mustn't be left behind, in an anguish of not knowing what's going on, we can't just be allowed to wallow in Beethoven, Mahler, Cage or whoever, we need our reality check. Don't we?


                            • Flosshilde
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 7988

                              Originally posted by JFLL View Post
                              Five words of BBC-speak which seem to me to sum up what's wrong. Firstly, the news consists of "stories" -- not events, happenings, facts, even interpretations of events, but "stories", fictions concocted for pseudo-artistic ends (and maybe have a beginning, middle and end, like all good fiction was supposed to).
                              Oh really, this is such rubbish. News items, in newspapers as well as other media (or even before other media) have always been called 'stories'. Only someone steeped in paranoia would think that they were 'fictions'. They might be partial, they might have a particular point of view, but they are still about something that has happened - they aren't concocted entirely from the writer's imagination.


                              • teamsaint
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 25235

                                Well I can think of stories that were made up....WMD's in Iraq for one.
                                Othe "stories" are given a profile they really don't deserve.
                                News "stories " are somebody else's agenda.
                                I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                                I am not a number, I am a free man.

