I'm tempted to say "Amazon!"
Most of the decent, or even half way decent CD shops have closed. There are still towns with HMV stores, but most of them are really bad. It's just possible that the one at the Tottenham Court Road end of Oxford Street (London) is still OK. Unfortunately the Bond Street one has given way to CrossRail. There is one in Kingston, which is just about OK, and after that almost all the others are not worth going into.
There was a small shop in Godalming (http://www.therecordcorner.co.uk/) which was still hanging on a few months ago, and there may be one in Amersham - http://www.therecordshopltd.co.uk/100500/contact.php
There are some charity shops - Oxfam is sometimes good, though as noted may also be quite expensive - sometimes more so than buying new! The one in Cirencester was good a few years ago.
These may not be in places that our OP visitor wants to go to, though.
Most of the decent, or even half way decent CD shops have closed. There are still towns with HMV stores, but most of them are really bad. It's just possible that the one at the Tottenham Court Road end of Oxford Street (London) is still OK. Unfortunately the Bond Street one has given way to CrossRail. There is one in Kingston, which is just about OK, and after that almost all the others are not worth going into.
There was a small shop in Godalming (http://www.therecordcorner.co.uk/) which was still hanging on a few months ago, and there may be one in Amersham - http://www.therecordshopltd.co.uk/100500/contact.php
There are some charity shops - Oxfam is sometimes good, though as noted may also be quite expensive - sometimes more so than buying new! The one in Cirencester was good a few years ago.
These may not be in places that our OP visitor wants to go to, though.