The Paralympic Games

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  • Lateralthinking1

    Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
    Sadly what he is doing to many disabled people is vile and deserves nothing but contempt

    I am also uneasy that we seem to get two stories of disability either disabled people are heroic athletes or theoretical physicists
    they are tragic figures trapped in useless bodies who should be given help to die

    is interesting
    As is this. Nice work if you can get it:

    Register of Members’ Interests – Tim Yeo 1. Remunerated directorships ITI Energy Limited; suppliers of gasification equipment. AFC Energy; company developing alkaline fuel cell technology. Ad…

    On the main point you raise, I am in complete agreement. I think how in the early 1970s every person in my very ordinary junior school was required to visit the mentally ill and handicapped in local hospitals. With only one or two exceptions, the 9, 10 and 11 year olds then were considerably more enlightened than what we are witnessing in educated adults now. Frankly it staggers me.
    Last edited by Guest; 31-08-12, 08:47.


    • amateur51

      Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
      Sadly what he is doing to many disabled people is vile and deserves nothing but contempt

      I am also uneasy that we seem to get two stories of disability either disabled people are heroic athletes or theoretical physicists
      they are tragic figures trapped in useless bodies who should be given help to die

      is interesting
      There's another story, prevalent at the moment, that disabled people are scroungers living on lavish welfare benefits who could work if they were forced to by benefit withdrawal. All my disabled friends admit that these stories make them profoundly angry and worsen their mental health situation through the anxiety they engender, as they wait for the plop of the buff envelope from ATOS/DWP on their doormat, announcing the summons to a meeting with ATOS to justify their benefits status.

      I am one of those people and that anxiety and resultant mental cloud is quite real.


      • Lateralthinking1

        Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
        There's another story, prevalent at the moment, that disabled people are scroungers living on lavish welfare benefits who could work if they were forced to by benefit withdrawal. All my disabled friends admit that these stories make them profoundly angry and worsen their mental health situation through the anxiety they engender, as they wait for the plop of the buff envelope from ATOS/DWP on their doormat, announcing the summons to a meeting with ATOS to justify their benefits status.

        I am one of those people and that anxiety and resultant mental cloud is quite real.
        Sorry, may I come back on that point, albeit wholly in support. First, what is being reported quite frequently by disabled people this year is an increase in verbal abuse. I have heard of at least one instance in which a blind man was surrounded by juveniles wanting to prove that he actually had sight. It kicked off with the phrase "let's prove he isn't blind". There was a bet on it. Then words were bandied around about things being to the left or to the right. If he turned his head at any point, that was intended to be the proof. I can't begin to imagine how frightening that was for him. I find it very upsetting. It is truly appalling that scenes no different from that in "The Elephant Man" are now occurring on our streets. This change has apparently taken place in the light of the Government's emphasis on benefits scroungers. Some have decided that every disabled person is suspicious and robbing the taxpayer. In parallel, people are having to go for interviews with ATOS as you say. Someone might have no legs and just one arm but if he and she can lift a cardboard box or press a buzzer, the chances are that the ludicrous verdict will be "fit for work". One form of cancer treatment enables people still to claim benefits. Another doesn't. I believe that it depends on whether the treatment is taken orally. A number of people with cancer who are being required to work have been given only months to live.

        Additionally, ATOS do not have people qualified in mental health at their assessments. Nor in the case of a condition like autism are they interested in an individual being unable to cope with big demands. It might be that he or she is actively engaged in voluntary work but would find a requirement for regular employment more stressful. According to those who are running the system, that's just hard luck. Some people with a condition of that kind are not aware of all of the detail. The medical advice is to avoid undue focus on the condition to minimise stress. However, at the ATOS assessment, everything must be revealed to them. That leads to huge anxiety. Getting on for half of all assessments in which benefits are rejected are challenged in the courts at the taxpayer's expense. A large number result in the benefits being restored but within days a letter can arrive asking for the person to be reassessed. The cycle then commences all over again. There are recognised forms of torture that are more humane. So, yes, there have been suicides but more commonly acute anxiety to accompany whatever other condition is involved. Hilariously, it was only a year or two ago when legislation was passed to remove discrimination from disabled people and to widen the category of disability. But it is like the legislation on "being equal" to the elderly. It speaks of rights but it's an excuse for governments to bash hard.

        If all of this were not bad enough, there is the sheer impossibility for many of being able to get a job in this climate. Young Oxford graduates are struggling so what chance does a disabled person have? That was the argument of the Remploy workers facing the closure of their workplaces. They knew that they were going to have to cope with having no income and no benefits. I wonder how Cameron or Clegg would cope with such a situation if they had little in the way of savings. What we are asking of the most vulnerable in society - no, demanding of them - is that they should manage situations which the strongest in the land couldn't handle. Be in no doubt. This is by far the worst action on the part of the Coalition Government to date. Unlike many, I am not overly critical of ATOS. Their partial sponsorship of the Paralympics is an obvious ploy to appear cosy and it doesn't endear them to me at all. However, they are wholly bound by the procedures handed to them by DWP whose own adviser - the author of the questionnaire - has even expressed doubts about the way in which it is working. Still, the procedure continues with bloody-minded and arguably sadistic Ministers and Civil Servants at the helm. What is taking place is an outrage. There should by rights be two million people on the streets protesting. Instead, people have decided that they are powerless, just as with everything else.
        Last edited by Guest; 31-08-12, 09:53.


        • Flosshilde
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 7988

          Originally posted by VodkaDilc View Post
          It appears that the BBC could not match Ch 4's bid:

          Ah - looks like I let my assumptions run away with me.

          However, "a spokesman for BBC Sport [said] "We're proud of our traditions and record in covering disability sport." Have they got a noticable record?


          • eighthobstruction
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 6527

            Surely Atos Medical Services will be taking sharp focus and photographic records of all contestants and comparing them to any ESA claims for incapacity....shame picking up the empty cardboard box is not on the list of competitions ....then a direct comparison could be made....Possibly amputees could soon be seen on the floors of warehouses shuffling around moving wares about....
            bong ching


            • Lateralthinking1

              Quite. My apologies for the essay but it is so important to get the facts to those who don't have them. Much of what I said is based on two documentaries that went out on the same night on BBC2 and Channel 4.

              Even if there were plenty of jobs, it is quite clear that the cut-off points are wrong. There is absolutely no justification for grading amputees or people with autism or those with cancer. If there were huge numbers of scroungers, the Government just wouldn't need to be in that ball park unless I am not comprehending a wonderful bit of logic.

              I don't want to see the end of universal benefit but means testing would be far more acceptable than the current situation. Perhaps they could make a start with the yummy mummies who are barristers and GPs.
              Last edited by Guest; 31-08-12, 10:40.


              • aeolium
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 3992

                There's another story, prevalent at the moment, that disabled people are scroungers living on lavish welfare benefits who could work if they were forced to by benefit withdrawal. All my disabled friends admit that these stories make them profoundly angry and worsen their mental health situation through the anxiety they engender, as they wait for the plop of the buff envelope from ATOS/DWP on their doormat, announcing the summons to a meeting with ATOS to justify their benefits status.
                This is one, possibly extreme, example from the many incorrect assessments of disabled people by ATOS. Since a very large percentage of the original assessments are overturned on appeal, it's hard to escape the conclusion that ATOS are simply working to a government target of getting claimants off ESA for money-saving purposes. It's a disgrace that such a company is permitted to be a Paralympics sponsor.


                • Resurrection Man

                  Tim Yeo isn't even liked by the Telegraph !


                  • Resurrection Man

                    Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                    .....Perhaps they could make a start with the yummy mummies who are barristers and GPs.
                    Ah...the politics of envy. Just exactly what is the point that you are trying to make here, oh generalissimo. ?

                    I am with you regarding but side swipes like the above I take issue with.

                    This article is pretty revealing

                    But, and a big but, it is wrong to blame David Cameron and the Coalition. ATOS were awarded this contract in 2005. I don't think that the Coalition were in power then so let's just have a bit more balance in the thread.

                    The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has awarded services company Atos Origin a £500m seven-year contract for the delivery of medical advice and assessment services


                    • MrGongGong
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 18357

                      Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post

                      But, and a big but, it is wrong to blame David Cameron and the Coalition. ATOS were awarded this contract in 2005. I don't think that the Coalition were in power then so let's just have a bit more balance in the thread.

                      David Cameron has a lot to be blamed for along with his bag carriers
                      they could have changed things ................ maybe tried to act ethically and with empathy ?

                      I don't think it's a "side swipe" that many would like to give him, more like a full on punch on the nose


                      • eighthobstruction
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 6527

                        Indeed since 2005 all that has happened has been an exchange between 3 sets of vipers....i.e Alistair Darling, Peter Hain, James Purnell + Atos + Chris 'we are putting measures in progress' Grayling (Yeah but nothings actually finished Chris)
                        bong ching


                        • Resurrection Man

                          Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                          David Cameron has a lot to be blamed for along with his bag carriers
                          they could have changed things ................ maybe tried to act ethically and with empathy ?
                          True but reading this thread anyone would think that the ATOS contract and assessing people's disability was started by the Coalition when it clearly was implemented under Labour.

                          All I seek is a bit of balance and perspective rather than the usual witch hunt that passes for 'debate' in these parts.


                          • amateur51

                            Originally posted by aeolium View Post
                            This is one, possibly extreme, example from the many incorrect assessments of disabled people by ATOS. Since a very large percentage of the original assessments are overturned on appeal, it's hard to escape the conclusion that ATOS are simply working to a government target of getting claimants off ESA for money-saving purposes. It's a disgrace that such a company is permitted to be a Paralympics sponsor.
                            Appalling stuff, aeolium - Cameron should review ATOS' performance immediately & work with some disability organisations to devise something less cruel, and less humiliating, and substantially less inappropraite


                            • Flosshilde
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 7988

                              Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
                              True but reading this thread anyone would think that the ATOS contract and assessing people's disability was started by the Coalition when it clearly was implemented under Labour.
                              That may be so, but I think that the number of 'fails' in the assessments seems to have increased greatly under the ConDem government, & it is undisputable that a large proportion of those that go to appeal are reversed, and that the government is committed to reducing the welfare bill (more cuts are on the way).


                              • Resurrection Man

                                Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                                That may be so, but I think that the number of 'fails' in the assessments seems to have increased greatly under the ConDem government,
                                Quite possibly and if unreasonable then this would be wrong. On the other hand, another argument could be that the tests under Labour were not stringent enough. Note...I am not saying either is right..just putting forward an alternative scenario.

                                Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                                it is undisputable that a large proportion of those that go to appeal are reversed,
                                And I agree with you that on the face of it, the testing is too draconian. It would be interesting to be privy to the contractual terms between the Govt and ATOS and whether or not this has been redrafted since Labour. Having seen the reports about the training of ATOS staff seemingly being encouraged to 'fail' applicants, it does raise a whole host of questions particularly whether ATOS have been targetted by the Govt to do this or whether someone in ATOS has taken it upon themselves to do this because it will directly improve the bottom line for ATOS. However, we don't know. We do know that it isn't working and that the Govt should be taking another look at it to improve the fairness of the scheme.

                                Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                                and that the government is committed to reducing the welfare bill (more cuts are on the way).
                                Yes because we don't have a bottomless pit of money. And like it or not there are some who do abuse the system....surely you would agree that they should be weeded out? A simple Yes/No will suffice but I am not optimistic.

