The Paralympic Games

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  • Lateralthinking1
    • Mar 2025

    The Paralympic Games

    I have not seen the Opening Ceremony yet. A chance to discover how Channel 4's contraption fares compared with the I-Player.

    The feedback seems to be fairly positive although a woman on the radio has just complained that the commentary is too serious. She added that it was only a matter of time before Jon Snow made a reference to the Nasdaq 100. Meanwhile the Guardian reports that Edwina Currie has outperformed Aidan Burley on Twitter, writing - "Italians are gorgeous even in wheelchairs. Love 'em".
  • Nick Armstrong
    • Nov 2010
    • 26624

    Flicking through my recording - all a bit fey and random, it seems to me: big umbrellas, big books, big apples, a whale, Ian McKellan in a purple dressing-gown doing a sort of fake Prospero, &c. &c. - and Krishnan G commentating, somewhat forlorn and po-faced, reading stuff "from the artistic directors" (he said, as if keen to make clear this was nothing to do with him... ). Turned off at the simultaneous apple-eating

    Best thing was to hear Handel crowning the whole thing, "Eternal Source of Light Divine" from the Queen Anne birthday ode, really well sung (apart from one eye-wateringly wayward note) by Elin Manahan Thomas. Pretty stunning.
    "...the isle is full of noises,
    Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
    Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
    Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


    • Flosshilde
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 7988

      There's one thing you can be sure of - they won't get the same sort of over-the-top hyped up blanket coverage that the other Olympics got It's on Cannel 4 to start with - presumably the BBC didn't bother to bid for them. & Channel 4 always does that fringey minority thing, doesn't it?


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38172

        Several viewers messaged and phoned in to The Wright Stuff this morning saying Ch 4 ruined the ceremony with ad breaks - 6 in all, Krishan on about the participating nations at war with each other, and Jon Snow adopting his usual hesitancy...


        • eighthobstruction
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 6521

          Quite rightly everyone being incredibly PC during commentary, and abrupt silences when someone said anything at all controversial....pussy footing or PWHAT....

          ....I'd love for there to be a few hidden mic's to pick up the banter between contestants....where I'm sure we'd get a few surprises <no surprise to me>....ahem!....

          ....I'm thinking of contacting the Para Olympic Assoc to see if there's any chance of Rugby and Rowing etc for people under 5' 8" in height.....i.e excluding those above that height....
          Last edited by eighthobstruction; 30-08-12, 12:17. Reason: several typo
          bong ching


          • Resurrection Man

            Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
            .....blanket coverage that the other Olympics got .....
            What is the problem with covering as many events as possible? Just because you might not have any interest in any of them is no reason to stop others watching.


            • LHC
              Full Member
              • Jan 2011
              • 1585

              Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
              Quite rightly everyone being incredibly PC during commentary, and abrupt silences when someone said anything at all controversial....pussy footing or PWHAT....

              ....I'd love for there to be a few hidden mic's to pick up the banter between contestants....where I'm sure we'd get a few surprises <no surprise to me>....ahem!....

              ....I'm thinking of contacting the Para Olympic Assoc to see if there's any chance of Rugby and Rowing etc for people under 5' 8" in height.....i.e excluding those above that height....
              Rugby used to be known as a sport that could accommodate players of all shapes and sizes. The Zimbabwe scrum half in the world cup in Australia was, I think, under 5' (and Shane Williams wasn't much bigger).

              You could also try wheelchair rugby, or 'murder ball' as it used to be known.
              "I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound. Fortunately in England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square."
              Lady Bracknell The importance of Being Earnest


              • Flosshilde
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 7988

                Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
                What is the problem with covering as many events as possible? Just because you might not have any interest in any of them is no reason to stop others watching.
                I think I've aired my feelings about the hype & over-hype of the Olympics on the Olyminonsense thread, & don't want to repeat myself here. My point was that I didn't expect the same level of coverage (eg several pages in the Guradian every day, outside the Sports pages), reflecting public attitudes to disability. However, the Guardian (& other papers) did feature the opening ceremony on the front page & had several pages inside, so perhaps there will be nearly the same level of coverage.

                But I still won't be any more interested in the Paralympics than I was in the Olympics.


                • amateur51

                  Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                  Several viewers messaged and phoned in to The Wright Stuff this morning saying Ch 4 ruined the ceremony with ad breaks - 6 in all, Krishan on about the participating nations at war with each other, and Jon Snow adopting his usual hesitancy...
                  Snowy'd rather be at the Republican convention, surely


                  • scottycelt

                    Originally posted by LHC View Post
                    Rugby used to be known as a sport that could accommodate players of all shapes and sizes.
                    Not if one happened to be the proverbial and derisible skinny 'seven-stone weakling' that I was condemned to be in my teenage days.

                    I managed to generally escape the odd thug and bully in proper football by some nifty and twinkle-toed maneuvering , but there is surely no escape from those human sherman tanks in rugby!


                    • Flosshilde
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 7988

                      Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                      Not if one happened to be the proverbial and derisible skinny 'seven-stone weakling' that I was condemned to be in my teenage days.
                      I read that as 'desirable'

                      But I'm sure that, if your avatar reflects your mature person, Scotty, you are much more desirable now


                      • Lateralthinking1

                        To be of average to low height, weight or intelligence is to be expected by some to perform equally and with no chance of sympathy if you don't. Many in such categories have no difficulty without external interference. The problem is that those with the greatest demands are also the ones who are most likely to point out the limitations. It is one way of them feeling superior. Obviously that is political. I don't like it and I've always made a point of being easy going for example on people with low IQs.

                        There are now sharp dividing lines in society. You have a degree or you are nothing. You are nothing in terms of athletic ability or you are an Olympian. On the surface, percentages don't matter in this divide and rule. 44% go to university but far less than 1% take part in the Olympics. When 17% went to university, though, there was more balance. Going to university was slightly unusual. Being an Olympian was very unusual. The majority of people who didn't achieve either were permitted to live their lives feeling ok. The new emphasis on the idea of Olympian status being within the reach of many is particularly dubious. That percentage of less than 1% of Olympians is precisely the same percentage as the very well off. It underpins the myth of economic upward mobility.

                        Cameron was saying yesterday that the Paralympics would show what disabled people can do. Actually they will show what a very small number of disabled people can do, the vast majority of them very young. The event says nothing to or of the majority of disabled people who are older. They though are being subjected to questionable benefits tests where the cut off point is not designed to get dodgers into work but to get everyone off benefits unless they have hardly any capability for basic functioning.

                        In the US, it is worse. Paul Ryan was commenting on an Obama commercial in which the Republicans throw someone in a wheelchair over a cliff. Chuckling, he said it was ridiculous, adding that he was not a demon but just a "normal" person who takes his sons off to the ball game every Saturday. That to me underpinned his remoteness from the issue. He is a fitness freak on account of the fact that his family tend to drop dead at the age of 55. It is in their genetics. Clearly he has decided he is going to live to 80 but the thought of being anything other than fully fit has never been allowed to cross his mind. I am not sure than any amount of education overcomes the limitations in politicians' thinking linked to their own backgrounds. That worries me.
                        Last edited by Guest; 30-08-12, 21:14.


                        • scottycelt

                          Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                          I read that as 'desirable'

                          But I'm sure that, if your avatar reflects your mature person, Scotty, you are much more desirable now
                          I can assure you, Flossie, that in my own personal experience, being a 'seven-stone weakling' is quite undesirable for most self-conscious youths, and especially fraught with some danger on a rugby field or school playground.

                          I'm somewhat unsurprised yet still hugely flattered that you consider my avatar attractive, but I'm also much too modest to claim it has any similarity whatsoever to the real thing.


                          • VodkaDilc

                            Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                            There's one thing you can be sure of - they won't get the same sort of over-the-top hyped up blanket coverage that the other Olympics got It's on Cannel 4 to start with - presumably the BBC didn't bother to bid for them. & Channel 4 always does that fringey minority thing, doesn't it?
                            It appears that the BBC could not match Ch 4's bid:

                            Olympics presenter says many people are asking why the corporation missed out on television broadcasting deal. By Mark Sweney


                            • MrGongGong
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 18357

                              Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                              Cameron was saying yesterday that the Paralympics would show what disabled people can do.
                              Sadly what he is doing to many disabled people is vile and deserves nothing but contempt

                              I am also uneasy that we seem to get two stories of disability either disabled people are heroic athletes or theoretical physicists
                              they are tragic figures trapped in useless bodies who should be given help to die

                              is interesting

