Bruckner - St Florians

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  • tsuji-giri
    • Mar 2025

    Bruckner - St Florians

    Well, I got there in the end! Actually, I got there right on time. The place is awesome (although by no means the most spectacular Austrian monastery).

    We had a recital from the 'Bruckner Organ', also a performance of AB's symphony '0'; this wasn't quite as good as it sounds as, er, the St. Florian's acoustic is awful.

    Bruckner's birth place hasn't really quite caught up with tourism; the actual house was being repaired, the church was locked, (although we had arranged to visit), and the arts centre was astounded to have any visitors at all. So it's not quite the equivalent of Stratford on Avon! However, I think it will improve given time.

    For the really enthusiastic you can re-trace the walk taken by AB and his mother when she took him to St. Florians. At intervals along the way you can stop and listen to excerpts from AB's symphonies.

    The schoolhouse at Windhaag has a plaque, but is a private house, however, a resident came along and told us a few stories about the place. I was tempted to ask him what AB was like as a teacher... but thought this might prove to be ill advised.

    For the benefit of anyone else going, the best beer is, in my opinion, Kaiserbrau (have a Kaiser, be a Kaiser!). It's fairly readily available around Linz.
  • scottycelt

    Tsuji-giri, what a truly fantastic experience that must have been visiting some of the places associated with the great and timeless symphonic master!

    I've never had the privilege, though my father, like so many others in the UK, 'discovered' Bruckner way back in the Sixties and made the pilgrimage as part of his annual holiday with my mother whilst they were staying in Salzburg. I can well imagine No '0' sounded absolutely wretched in the monastery church ... the composer is maybe celebrated for his 'cathedrals of sound' but they were surely never meant to be performed in such places of worship?

    If I ever do manage to get there thanks for the tip regarding the local beer ... Josef Anton must have known a thing or two on the subject having regularly enjoyed a few Pilsner beers with his young friends and supporters by all accounts!


    • french frank
      • Feb 2007
      • 30804

      I see it has a firefighting museum too - I hope you didn't miss that!
      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


      • scottycelt

        Originally posted by french frank View Post
        I see it has a firefighting museum too - I hope you didn't miss that!
        Yes, an absolute 'must' for forum administrators. I should think ...


        • Richard Tarleton

          Originally posted by tsuji-giri View Post
          We had a recital from the 'Bruckner Organ', also a performance of AB's symphony '0'; this wasn't quite as good as it sounds as, er, the St. Florian's acoustic is awful.
          What a great experience tsuji-giri. But tell us more about the acoustic - I have the CD of no 8 by Boulez-VPO recorded live in St Florians which doesn't sound too bad - is that just down to the placing of microphones?


          • tsuji-giri

            It very well could be down to location within the Church. We were near to the door, the orchestra was in front of the altar; I suspect that the effect of the length of the nave combined with the pillars was to echo the sound overmuch, so by the time it reached us were were hearing sound from very many sources.

            By contrast, listening to the Bruckner Organ, for which we were at the altar end of the nave, seemed fine to me. I'm not sure why this should be.

