Originally posted by smittims
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When I discovered eBay I bought a vintage Bell & Howell 16mm projector and a print of the Audrey Hepburn movie ‘How to Steal a Million’. My friend had a house with a set of stairs that ran upstairs and a large window that looked down on her sitting room so I could set my machine on the stairs and shine it on to the sitting room wall. We had great evenings with friends where I would show a feature film prefaced by adverts, trailers and cartoons and she would provide a buffet.
It was fun but a tremendous amount of work! (Vintage movie equipment is heavy!)
However, nothing spoiled it more than someone saying ‘why not get a digital projector?!’ What they failed to realise was that wasn’t the point. It was the sheer fun as well as the terror that it could all go horribly wrong any second! Fortunately, it never did.