Karajan Mahler 6 has been remastered by Emile Berliner Studios for vinyl. Hopefully the above link works; if not go to YT and type Mahler 6 Karajan Emile Berliner. I found it fascinating; 4 tape machines, one separate for the bells; and the mention that in concert the bells were added electronically (There are two concert versions available on 78 experience, and the total timing varies it’s by 7 minutes, so obviously Karajan had to cue whoever worked the tape machine).
The YT extracts sound full blooded, enough to make me consider shelling out the more than 50 pounds asking price (some vendors are asking for 90). Then, of course, comes the realization that what I am hearing on YT is some form of digitalization of this analog recording. So eventually I expect some digital release to occur.
The Karajan Mahler 5 has been released as a Blu Ray but I was always disappointed that the Sixth never was. It’s disappointing to see that all of this care in remastering is going into an analog only version; it’s as if a car company poured as much enhanced technology as possible into a Model T