i have just completed reading the book under review here and agree fully with the reviewer's commentary .. it is an extremely important pi3ece of work in that it highlights how humans evolved to cooperate and the disruptive and life threatening impact of dominant alpha bullies [typically male but less so these days]
in the good old pleistocene we would just get their sibling or cousin to do them in ....
it is clear that settlement society has allowed and encouraged a renaissance of the dominant alpha male ... now well established in power in major business and government roles [evidence ]
i think we need to talk to their siblings and cousins eh ...
in the good old pleistocene we would just get their sibling or cousin to do them in ....
it is clear that settlement society has allowed and encouraged a renaissance of the dominant alpha male ... now well established in power in major business and government roles [evidence ]
i think we need to talk to their siblings and cousins eh ...