Nature Publishing Group wins long-running libel trial

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  • tony yyy
    • Mar 2025

    Nature Publishing Group wins long-running libel trial

    How can it take so long and cost so much to resolve this? Are there any plans to change the system of libel laws in the UK?
  • Frances_iom
    Full Member
    • Mar 2007
    • 2433

    About half the states of the USA have anti SLAPP laws (SLAPP stands for "Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation." SLAPP is a mechanism whereby a party (usually a company) institutes a lawsuit with the intent of intimidating any opposition (eg by suing a blogger or journalist) - the case might well be dismissed but the purpose was not to win but to impose so much cost on the defendant that they give up (defendants cannot usually recover legal costs in USA) - antiSLAPP laws allow the case to be dismissed at an early stage - sounds very much that the UK needs a similar scheme to stop abuse of the libel laws

