Watching a few minutes of the diving before the news last night, a thought popped to the front of my mind which has been hovering somewhere at the back throughout the competition: waxing. It seems few sports are possible these days without, erm, depilation, of one form or another. Presumably a part of the Olympic legacy will be a dramatic expansion of body waxing services. It's yet another thing, on top of all the training, which puts the rest of us off even getting started.
Richard Tarleton
Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View PostWatching a few minutes of the diving before the news last night, a thought popped to the front of my mind which has been hovering somewhere at the back throughout the competition: waxing. It seems few sports are possible these days without, erm, depilation, of one form or another. Presumably a part of the Olympic legacy will be a dramatic expansion of body waxing services. It's yet another thing, on top of all the training, which puts the rest of us off even getting started.
Still not tempted?
Strip Hair Removal Experts, voted London's best waxing & laser hair removal salon. Expert team, immaculate hygiene & speedy yet thorough approach. Book Online
Richard Tarleton
It's a subject on which the commentators, pundidts, post-race interviewers etc. are strangely silent.
1,00grumpy posts
Originally posted by Old Grumpy View PostGee thanks guys - you've set me up again just in time:
(it's a bit early but what the hell),here's to old grumpy's bounce!!!
way to go old grumpy!!
i'm planning on watching some of the para olympic events, i wonder if there'll be a thread?.
Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View PostWatching a few minutes of the diving before the news last night, a thought popped to the front of my mind which has been hovering somewhere at the back throughout the competition: waxing. It seems few sports are possible these days without, erm, depilation, of one form or another. Presumably a part of the Olympic legacy will be a dramatic expansion of body waxing services. It's yet another thing, on top of all the training, which puts the rest of us off even getting started.
Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View PostAs for the earlier posts, I've heard from an unconfirmed source that Kate Bush will be performing at the closing ceremony. Genuinely. If it is true, I can only assume it will be video as it is decades since she has done live.
Originally posted by Anna View PostIt seems that Lat is right as it's reported today that Kate Bush has been spotted at rehearsals along with the Pet Shop Boys (hurrah for that!), Annie Lennox and Brian May (oh dear) and Eric Idle will be singing Always Look on the Bright Side of Life whilst Del Boy and Rodney's Reliant Robin is blown up.
Originally posted by Anna View PostIt seems that Lat is right as it's reported today that Kate Bush has been spotted at rehearsals along with the Pet Shop Boys (hurrah for that!), Annie Lennox and Brian May (oh dear) and Eric Idle will be singing Always Look on the Bright Side of Life whilst Del Boy and Rodney's Reliant Robin is blown up.
Ideally the Pet Shop Boys will do their Russian rhythmic gymnastics October Revolution period thing (c.1990) - almost high art and far to the left of Tony Benn - but that won't happen either. As for Lennox and May, not again!
I don't like the sound of the Reliant being blown up. It is a very mixed metaphor. First, it is a myth that the entire Stratford area has been magically transformed from a Dickensian scene to Cape Canaveral. Those who know it isn't true are cynically involved in propaganda but there are also many middle class 30 and 40-somethings who want to be convinced and are so, essentially naive.
And is this yet again to signal the end of the untrustworthy white South London working classes, as if we haven't had enough already? Del and Rodney may have been wide boys but they weren't devious enough to be any good at it and had considerable charm. If only the same could be said of the posh suits.
Rodney's Reliant Robin is blown up.
i sincerely hope not! what a waste of a uniquely famous vintage car, with a motor bike engine!
Originally posted by JohnSkelton View PostThis funky waxing bar looks like a rock star's bedroom and sells sexy undies upstairs; in discreet treatment rooms downstairs is an array of exotic-smelling hot waxes in chocolate, rose and lavender.
Still not tempted?
Strip Hair Removal Experts, voted London's best waxing & laser hair removal salon. Expert team, immaculate hygiene & speedy yet thorough approach. Book Online
I bet!
Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Postit is a myth that the entire Stratford area has been magically transformed from a Dickensian scene to Cape Canaveral.(I've always been a "real gentleman", such as your good self).
I'm glad I'm not the only one who was wondering about the wax or not to wax question. Cyclists of course have always shaved their legs (less wind resistance), rowers don't seem to but gymnasts and swimmers seem to be half and half in whether they do or don't. In fact, as they're showing their armpits all the time I'm surprised they don't all favour the smooth look. I must study the runners in more depth to see if they have hair!! Personally, I'm in favour of waxing for men although it may have a downside in that hair traps the pheronomes that attract sexual partners. I think that was borne out in the old Apache dance when men would push the womans face into their armpit to overpower and seduce her in a trice with his smell.
Anyway, enough of that frivolity and onto serious thingsmore bad news re closing ceremony. It seems Macca is to be wheeled out to do a Beatles medley and the closing act will be Blur (I saw them when they had reformed and they were dire, I'd rather it was Damon and Gorillaz!)