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  • Eine Alpensinfonie
    • Nov 2010
    • 20586

    Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post

    How our economy would be improved if all those in England were compulsorily transported back into their own country.
    Have I been transported into a parallel universe, in which the normally so thoughtful and reasonable Lat has suddenly been affected by Red Kyptonite and has started to hurl missiles at innocent bystanders? Or have I completely misunderstood your posts of this afternoon?


    • Anna

      Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
      Have I been transported into a parallel universe, in which the normally so thoughtful and reasonable Lat has suddenly been affected by Red Kyptonite and has started to hurl missiles at innocent bystanders? Or have I completely misunderstood your posts of this afternoon?
      Well if you have misunderstood I have too (just now reading this thread) Is Lat comparing the Scots and the Welsh to Iranians? And the Welsh, Irish and the Scots have their own Parliaments as well, and yes, if you mean by getting everything for free, we do have free presciptions
      Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
      My tolerance has run out. We pay through the nose for them. They dominate our Parliament. They get everything for free. God knows why we put up with it - they have such unattractive personalities.
      Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
      I am only going to count the English medals as British. The others might as well be won by Iran. They mean nothing to me.
      As to anthems. They are playing for Team GB (GB being 4 countries) Even if England did have their own National anthem it couldn't be played, as it's Team GB. Personally, I happily sing along to God Save if it's a British occasion. I cannot see those in the football team who have a problem have any justification, they knew what they were signing up for.


      • scottycelt

        Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
        Only verse 2 seems to be likely to give offence, and not to the Scots or Welsh, though there may be verses I don't know:-

        1. God save our gracious Queen
        Long live our noble Queen
        God save the Queen
        Send her victorious
        Happy and glorious
        Long to reign over us
        God save the Queen

        2. O Lord our God arise
        Scatter her enemies
        And make them fall
        Confound their politics
        Frustrate their knavish tricks
        On Thee our hopes we fix
        God save us all

        3. Thy choicest gifts in store
        On her be pleased to pour
        Long may she reign
        May she defend our laws
        And ever give us cause
        To sing with heart and voice
        God save the Queen

        4. Not in this land alone
        But be God's mercies known
        From shore to shore
        Lord make the nations see
        That men should brothers be
        And form one family
        The wide world over

        5. From every latent foe
        From the assassins blow
        God save the Queen
        O'er her thine arm extend
        For Britain's sake defend
        Our mother, prince, and friend
        God save the Queen

        Verse 4 doesn't scan too well.

        You missed out the last verse ...


        • Pegleg
          Full Member
          • Apr 2012
          • 389

          Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
          Have I been transported into a parallel universe, in which the normally so thoughtful and reasonable Lat has suddenly been affected by Red Kyptonite and has started to hurl missiles at innocent bystanders? Or have I completely misunderstood your posts of this afternoon?
          Lat may have seen red, but "Kyptonite"? Isn't that what the opening ceremony is likey to induce in some?


          • Lateralthinking1

            Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
            Have I been transported into a parallel universe, in which the normally so thoughtful and reasonable Lat has suddenly been affected by Red Kyptonite and has started to hurl missiles at innocent bystanders? Or have I completely misunderstood your posts of this afternoon?
            No attacks Eine on innocent bystanders. However, I don't think that the reasonable minded English poor and to-be-poor can keep tolerance going through sustained attacks from all and sundry. I am fairly sure that when my tolerance runs out, there's about one year from wide-ranging and significant societal problems. As a yardstick to myself, I tend to know these things ahead of those who will ultimately be involved. Tonight's jamboree is costing £24 million. Some of the elderly are having to choose between heating and eating. We have huge numbers of recent graduates who can't get work and thousands of the middle aged who will never get a job. We are at a crisis point in the health service and in pensions. If I decide that I will look at any of the event tonight, I will see the loss of my own job in it and all the accompanying anxiety caused to me and my wider family. We are not all in this together.

            There is enough to cope with from the politicians, the bankers and the very well-off. We don't need attacks from other groups of people too. Many of us have led the way over three decades and more in embracing every culture other than our own and fighting for others' rights. You might read Nick Hornby to get the gist. Increasingly, they are enjoying privileges we don't have and throwing what remains of our culture in our faces. Frequently they are supported by the reasonably well-off liberal left with which I once closely associated. This is a very serious point. In my childhood, I made a point of welcoming neighbours from foreign countries when most discriminated. I learnt a lot and very much enjoyed their company. In the early eighties, I specialised in race relations at university and was often close to the Anti-Apartheid movements. In the eighties and the nineties, I virtually lived in the Irish and Scottish cultures of North London. It was just about the only place that I wanted to be. And later it was world music.

            But there does come a point when those who you have welcomed into your home of whatever class or creed have criticised it, stolen from it, and sold the furniture to have parties. Still, one tolerates it but when they virtually kick you out onto the doorstep, what is one supposed to do? This week has for me been the grossest spectacle of the year and we are having to endure weeks of it. There does come a time when one looks for a bit of give from others rather than persistent war and constant take.
            Last edited by Guest; 27-07-12, 16:24.


            • Anna

              Originally posted by Caliban View Post
              He really is a total and utter campanologist.
              But, did you see, when he was interviewed later he said "Oh dear, that was a pure Twenty-Twelve moment wasn't it?"
              Absolutely. Classic.


              • amateur51

                Originally posted by Anna View Post
                I cannot see those in the football team who have a problem have any justification, they knew what they were signing up for.
                So it would have been ok if they had weakened the team by declining to be chosen rather than accepting the invitation but just declining to sing the controversial anthem, Anna?


                • scottycelt

                  Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                  They don't subscribe in any way to verse 4 so I would imagine they would find that offensive too:

                  Lord make the nations see
                  That men should brothers be
                  And form one family
                  The wide world over

                  How our economy would be improved if all those in England were compulsorily transported back into their own country.
                  It would appear to be 'us', spurred on by the Daily Mail, who are the most offended ones here ... others (probably the huge majority) very likely couldn't give a toss who feels like singing the National Anthem, or their various reasons for not doing so.

                  Have you ever considered that any problem of 'offence' might conceivably be less to do with 'them', but rather more to do with 'us' ... ?


                  • Anna

                    Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                    So it would have been ok if they had weakened the team by declining to be chosen rather than accepting the invitation but just declining to sing the controversial anthem, Anna?
                    Personally Ams, I think they are fools and poltroons!! They knew as Team GB they would have to sing God Save. And, look how they have upset Lats!! However, it begs the question that England cannot muster a decent team without the Welsh .... and I noticed in The Times report on the match their sports correspondent did say Thank God for the Welsh


                    • Frances_iom
                      Full Member
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 2434

                      Originally posted by Anna View Post
                      Well if you have misunderstood I have too (just now reading this thread) Is Lat comparing the Scots and the Welsh to Iranians? And the Welsh, Irish and the Scots have their own Parliaments as well, and yes, if you mean by getting everything for free, we do have free presciptions
                      Isn't there a potential gold-medal winning cyclist from a small rock in middle of Irish sea also on teamGB - mindyou said rock had a parliament somewhat before UK; it also has its own natioanal anthem.


                      • Anna

                        Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                        However, I don't think that the reasonable minded English poor and to-be-poor can keep tolerance going through sustained attacks from all and sundry. I. In the eighties and the nineties, I virtually lived in the Irish and Scottish cultures of North London. It was just about the only place that I wanted to be. And later it was world music.

                        But there does come a point when those who you have welcomed into your home of whatever class or creed have criticised it, stolen from it, and sold the furniture to have parties.
                        I'm still not sure what you mean Lat, are you aggrieved by Scots, Irish and Welsh living in England or merely the zillions spent on the Games or that, somehow, the English are under threat? As I said above, I gladly sing God Save when it's a British occasion because I am proud to be British, just as much as I am proud to be Welsh and sing our Anthem when it's a Welsh occasion.
                        Edit: And in answer to frances above, yes, I will be cheering on all GB athletes, whether from IoM or Wales, Scotland or Ireland.


                        • Lateralthinking1

                          Originally posted by Anna View Post
                          Personally Ams, I think they are fools and poltroons!! They knew as Team GB they would have to sing God Save. And, look how they have upset Lats!! However, it begs the question that England cannot muster a decent team without the Welsh .... and I noticed in The Times report on the match their sports correspondent did say Thank God for the Welsh
                          It appears one of the Scottish women was born in America to Nigerian parents. The other has taken a different course from her Arsenal ladies team mate who decided not to take part. The decision of the first was based on advice from the SFA. The second ignored it. She then ignored the advice from Team GB about singing the national anthem. She also ignored the IOC and the essential spirit of the Olympics in which individuals are expected fully to represent a team. She has been quoted as saying that she shouldn't be stopped from taking part by anyone in Scotland and that the Olympics offered her an opportunity that she was determined, quote, to grab. Grandfather, 82, says he fully supports her and he himself would have done the same, refraining from singing the national anthem. These people are putting themselves above countries and are giving their countries a bad name.

                          I see this in the same light as democracy. I might disagree as vehemently with the Coalition as others disagree with royalty - in fact I do - but when I was representing the Government I was expected to do so wholeheartedly whoever was in charge. This I loyally did. If I were in Team GB, I would accept that I was representing Britain, whatever my views of certain aspects of it happened to be, or else I wouldn't take part. It might be that there is confusion among many about the current situation and that clarity should be taught in schools. In that way, people can decide whether they are Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish and British or just the former. They can then take appropriate actions even if their values require personal sacrifices. Having it all ways just won't do. Whatever people think of the royals, the jubilee brought about some much needed cohesion. The individual antics of athletes and the crassness of the organisers at the Olympics are threatening to bring that tumbling down within just a few months.

                          I am particularly upset about news this week on rejuvenated factions of the IRA following everything that has been done with a risk to individuals' personal security to hold out a friendly hand. And I don't like the money that is being spent on the Olympics when we were promised an austerity games. My less than flattering comments about the Scottish are simply a way of indicating that these things can work both ways. Division at every opportunity is not in my view the best way to proceed. The ultimate consequences could be catastrophic both north and south of the border. Pushing it is one thing but there is a limit.
                          Last edited by Guest; 27-07-12, 16:17.


                          • Anna

                            Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                            It appears one of the Scottish women was born in America to Nigerian parents. The other has taken a different course from her Arsenal ladies team mate who decided not to take part. That decision was based on advice from the SFA. She ignored it.
                            She then ignored the advice from Team GB about singing the national anthem
                            Oh, right Lats. Bluddy Scots causing trouble again!! Kick 'em out of the EU. And, Braveheart was probably a wuss!!!


                            • Flosshilde
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 7988

                              Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                              My tolerance has run out. We pay through the nose for them. They dominate our Parliament. They get everything for free. God knows why we put up with it - they have such unattractive personalities.
                              Oh dear, Lat, you really have flipped your lid, haven't you? Presumably if 'they' are living in England 'they' should go back where they came from, too?


                              • Flosshilde
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 7988

                                Oh, I see that you beat me to it

                                Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                                all those in England were compulsorily transported back into their own country.

