FM switchover.....Coalition steamroller?

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  • mangerton
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 3346

    Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
    I thought as much. Nostalgia for Luxembourg, Budapest and Athlone.

    You've been listening to Van Morrison! (In the Days Before Rock and Roll)

    Like Bryn, I'd be very surprised if you couldn't change these presets. It'll be a sad day when FM (or VHF as some of us still remember it) ends.


    • Resurrection Man

      Originally posted by mangerton View Post
      You've been listening to Van Morrison! (In the Days Before Rock and Roll)

      Like Bryn, I'd be very surprised if you couldn't change these presets. It'll be a sad day when FM (or VHF as some of us still remember it) ends.
      Which is why we must campaign to prevent this happening.


      • AuntyKezia
        Full Member
        • Jul 2011
        • 52

        Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
        Please take a look at this page from the Department of Culture, Media and Sport website. Vaizey seems intent on stuffing DAB down our throats despite many of the logical and sensible reasons not to go down that route.

        There is a link on the page to a report and a request for comment. Please if you have the time read it, comment and write to your MP if you think this is a daft idea.

        Plans to extend local digital radio coverage moved a step closer today.

        Please drum up as much support as you can.
        I tried sending a comment to via the link quoted in the news release, only to receive the message "Delivery failed" - says it all, really!
        Aunty Kezia


        • Resurrection Man

          Originally posted by AuntyKezia View Post
          I tried sending a comment to via the link quoted in the news release, only to receive the message "Delivery failed" - says it all, really!
          Aunty Kezia
          Mmmm...I just sent a test message which seemed to go without any trouble. Possibly your ISP having a problemette?

          EDIT: You are absolutely spot on. Just got the 'this recipient does not exist' message from them.


          • french frank
            • Feb 2007
            • 30804

            " For technical queries or problems related to our website contact: "
            It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


            • Resurrection Man

              Originally posted by french frank View Post
              " For technical queries or problems related to our website contact: "
              Thanks for that


              • Resurrection Man

                I will precis the various documents below:

                Consumer research for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Digital Radio Switchover - A supplementary report to DCMS - by London Economics This seems to focus solely on the methodology used in earlier CBA's and reports. It is anally fixated on whether or not the CBA should be based on a household or an individual in a household. It does not question the earlier flawed CBA by PWC. The questions they asked a very very small sample ...221 in the first group followed by 20 in a follow up session. Statistically relevant in a population of 60 million+ ? I don't think so. The questions also force the interviewee into comparing aspects of DAB and not ask the basic question 'Do you want it' or 'Are you happy with FM'.

                Independent Review: Government Cost Benefit Analysis of Digital Radio Switchover - Summary - done by Europe Economics These guys have cottoned on to the BS in the original PwC CBA. The PwC CBA is based on some vague concept called Willingness to Pay (WTP) and which was continually used by the BBC to determine how much would people pay per week for a specific channel (radio or TV) if there was no licence fee. Europe Economics question this ..."All of these factors give rise to ambiguities as to how the WTP estimates should be used in the cost-benefit model. Ideally, the choice experiment would be redone ".

                Lastly the original PwC CBA report Cost Benefit Analysis of Digital Radio Migration Report prepared for Ofcom 2009

                which is a masterpiece in Management Consultant speak aka BullS**t. The whole argument is based on some nebulous benefit to consumers that if DAB was rolled out across the rest of the UK then this would give more people the option to listen to DAB. They quantify this figure at £780million. Plucked out of the air. It is in fact very difficult to find out any more from this report because it has been redacted. I wonder why. PwC did not ask the question 'How many of you actually want to listen to DAB'.


                • Serial_Apologist
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 38179

                  Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
                  I will precis the various documents below:

                  Consumer research for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Digital Radio Switchover - A supplementary report to DCMS - by London Economics This seems to focus solely on the methodology used in earlier CBA's and reports. It is anally fixated on whether or not the CBA should be based on a household or an individual in a household. It does not question the earlier flawed CBA by PWC. The questions they asked a very very small sample ...221 in the first group followed by 20 in a follow up session. Statistically relevant in a population of 60 million+ ? I don't think so. The questions also force the interviewee into comparing aspects of DAB and not ask the basic question 'Do you want it' or 'Are you happy with FM'.

                  Independent Review: Government Cost Benefit Analysis of Digital Radio Switchover - Summary - done by Europe Economics These guys have cottoned on to the BS in the original PwC CBA. The PwC CBA is based on some vague concept called Willingness to Pay (WTP) and which was continually used by the BBC to determine how much would people pay per week for a specific channel (radio or TV) if there was no licence fee. Europe Economics question this ..."All of these factors give rise to ambiguities as to how the WTP estimates should be used in the cost-benefit model. Ideally, the choice experiment would be redone ".

                  Lastly the original PwC CBA report Cost Benefit Analysis of Digital Radio Migration Report prepared for Ofcom 2009

                  which is a masterpiece in Management Consultant speak aka BullS**t. The whole argument is based on some nebulous benefit to consumers that if DAB was rolled out across the rest of the UK then this would give more people the option to listen to DAB. They quantify this figure at £780million. Plucked out of the air. It is in fact very difficult to find out any more from this report because it has been redacted. I wonder why. PwC did not ask the question 'How many of you actually want to listen to DAB'.
                  Excellent post, RM


                  • Lateralthinking1

                    Advice please on what Ed is doing to enable redundant radios and televisions to be used by poor people in other countries.


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38179

                      Originally posted by Lateralthinking1 View Post
                      Advice please on what Ed is doing to enable redundant radios and televisions to be used by poor people in other countries.
                      Supplying keys for them to wind them up with, it wouldn't surprise me.


                      • Resurrection Man

                        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                        Supplying keys for them to wind them up with, it wouldn't surprise me.
                        Ed doesn't need a key to wind people up !!


                        • Resurrection Man

                          The correct email address for comments is and the website has been updated.

                          I am in correspondence with them regarding the redacted PwC report 2009. My argument is that an unredacted report is needed. On the website linked to in my OP, they are asking for comments on the Methodology adopted in the Cost-Benefit Analyses provided in the Report but these Analyses refer back to the PwC report and approach. So one needs to understand the PwC report in full if any meaningful comment can be made on the latest analyses.

                          If you are so minded and in agreement, could I please ask you to voice to support this argument?

                          Many thanks


                          • David-G
                            Full Member
                            • Mar 2012
                            • 1216

                            I feel strongly about this, and would like to write to my MP. However, I have little time to read through the various documents. It would be very helpful to have some concise arguments to quote in favour of FM and against DAB. Resurrection Man's and Jayne Lee Wilson's posts above are helpful in this regard. If anyone would care to add to this, that would be most helpful.


                            • cloughie
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 22269

                              Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                              How am I going to listen to radio 3 in the lavatory . . .
                              We have 20 radios in our house and they'll all need converting . . .
                              I've tried DAB and the tone's dreadful . . .
                              I can't receive DAB at the bottom of my well, but I could get FM . . .

                              all solid reasons for keeping FM.
                              ...and car radios haven't even been mentioned!


                              • french frank
                                • Feb 2007
                                • 30804

                                Originally posted by Resurrection Man View Post
                                PwC did not ask the question 'How many of you actually want to listen to DAB'.
                                Sounds just like a certain BBC report.

                                '... a very small minority of respondents to our public consultation suggested [X] ... However, [in a set question survey which did not include a question about it] the vast majority of respondents did not raise this concern.'
                                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

