Originally posted by french frank
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Clearly the events surrounding Carr have been a natural springboard for discussion about what we know to be tax avoiding schemes - what was described in an earlier post as 'these schemes', the extent of entertainers' values and principles, and integrity in the round. More broadly, since I left employment, we have all acquired more of a sense of the scale of avoidance. I feel that I was in a different world there. We were hoodwinked and I'm thoroughly appalled.
I said that I'd hand lottery winnings to the Government with no strings attached. What I'd do is hold a press conference first. I'd say that my wish would be for the spending to be on the disadvantaged but that MPs had the choice. I'd also express the hope that they would later produce a statement on what the money was spent on but, again, no obligations. There would be another press conference at the end of the year. The process would be presented as having been an opportunity for MPs and others to show that they could clean up their act and start to see themselves as giving to, as well as taking from, their community.
My tax was deducted at source in 1985-2010 and for approximately another two years earlier. In my one year of self-assessment, 2010-2011, I estimate that I consciously paid slightly more tax than necessary while facing a future of no further income.