Some real news maybe ?

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  • An_Inspector_Calls

    Yes, but that's just plain silly. Ring the number(s) someone answers them. not a modem.

    Now find me the telephone numbers of the modem connections in those organisations. Oh, and companies that big often have special connections to remote exchanges simply because of traffic overload, etc. into the usual parent exchange.


    • MrGongGong
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 18357

      Originally posted by An_Inspector_Calls View Post
      Yes, but that's just plain silly. Ring the number(s) someone answers them. not a modem.

      Now find me the telephone numbers of the modem connections in those organisations.
      I'm sure you have the same internet as me
      and it's not rocket science to find these things if that's what you are seeking


      • An_Inspector_Calls

        Not in 2001 you wouldn't, and I'll bet even now none of those organisations publish complete lists of computer telephone numbers.

        And I made it perfectly clear that it's not rocket science searching for the numbers by polling a modem - I think I said that twice. But it is expensive in call charges.

        See if you can locate the telephone numbers of the automatic responders attached to some of our river gauges.


        • MrGongGong
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 18357

          Originally posted by An_Inspector_Calls View Post
          See if you can locate the telephone numbers of the automatic responders attached to some of our river gauges.
          Wot larks, i can see its a bag of fun in your house

          I do have better things to do with my time you know


          • An_Inspector_Calls

            Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
            Wot larks, i can see its a bag of fun in your house

            I do have better things to do with my time you know
            Quite. Just a pity McKibben doesn't (when he's not down the pub).


            • mangerton
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3346

              Originally posted by An_Inspector_Calls View Post
              I got (mistakenly?)

              But it all accumulates call costs, especially if he's dialling from the UK. I wonder what mummy's phone bill was like those days?
              Would any hacker worth his salt not be able to hack into his telephone account and errmm... adjust it?

              NB: I am asking a question. I am not suggesting for a moment that any hacker would do such a thing.


              • amateur51

                Originally posted by An_Inspector_Calls View Post
                Quite. Just a pity McKibben doesn't (when he's not down the pub).
                McKibben? Who he?


                • Bryn
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 24688

                  Originally posted by mangerton View Post
                  Would any hacker worth his salt not be able to hack into his telephone account and errmm... adjust it?

                  NB: I am asking a question. I am not suggesting for a moment that any hacker would do such a thing.
                  Hmm, I'm thinking of a time a few decades before this case, but a certain American composer friend used to use a handy little tone generator emulate the necessary sequence of pitches to fool the exchange into allowing him to phone me from over The Pond at local call rates. The system has long since changed, but the hacking community do what they can to keep up, and ahead, of their game.


                  • An_Inspector_Calls

                    Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                    Hmm, I'm thinking of a time a few decades before this case, but a certain American composer friend used to use a handy little tone generator emulate the necessary sequence of pitches to fool the exchange into allowing him to phone me from over The Pond at local call rates. The system has long since changed, but the hacking community do what they can to keep up, and ahead, of their game.
                    Are you suggesting McKinnon should be investigated for defrauding BT?


                    • Bryn
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 24688

                      Originally posted by An_Inspector_Calls View Post
                      Are you suggesting McKinnon should be investigated for defrauding BT?
                      I have no idea which telephonic service provider he used.


                      • scottycelt

                        Originally posted by An_Inspector_Calls View Post
                        Have you(?) Scots still got Kenny MacAskill on hand to grant a pardon?
                        If you are referring to the Al-megrahi case no 'pardon' was granted by MacAskill or any other 'Scot'. The convicted terrorist was released on 'compassionate' grounds in apparent accordance with Scottish Law as expert medical opinion concluded (wrongly) that he had only three months to live. Expert medical opinion can be a bit like that.

                        It should also be remembered that the plane fell over a small Scottish town killing and badly injuring some of its inhabitants, apart from the other poor souls on board.

                        In the light of these horrifying and distressing facts, I cannot remember an occasion when I, for one, was any more proud to be able to call myself a 'Scot'.


                        • MrGongGong
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 18357

                          One thing I learnt many years ago when I used to sometimes work in prisons
                          is that the people one meets in there, far from being totally different to the rest of us that some would have us believe
                          are, for the most part, quite ordinary and often articulate and "likeable"

                          I used to do projects at one time with people in for life who would often be the most well read and intellectual people one could meet in spite of the reason why they were there in the first place !

                          which is not to say that prison is full of lovely people, it's not, it's horrible, it smells, it's full of criminals and it's oppressive etc


                          There is a certain smugness sometimes that one picks up often from politicians going on about "hard working families" etc etc which implies that somehow there are good people and there are bad people and that's that. The world is much more nuanced.


                          • teamsaint
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 25293

                            I have never been inside a prison(so I am grateful for the insight MrGG) or the house of commons, but they sound like they might be very similar.

                            When I hear any politician going on about "Hard working families", I am certain they are covering up some deceit or other.
                            I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                            I am not a number, I am a free man.


                            • Tony Halstead
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 1717

                              which is not to say that prison is full of lovely people, it's not, it's horrible, it smells, it's full of criminals
                              The only time that I have been in a prison was a few years ago when I visited a friend - a famous choral conductor - who was there for several years and who was thankfully released 2 or 3 years ago.
                              The actual prison - as far as I saw it - was not 'horrible' and it didn't 'smell'.
                              Obviously it was indeed 'full of criminals' but I still believe to this day that my friend was 'stitched up' and should not have been sent to prison.


                              • Flosshilde
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 7988

                                Originally posted by An_Inspector_Calls View Post
                                The Times has a nice picture of McKinnon relaxing down the pub . . .

                                I'd forgotten that McKinnen was hacking and wrecking US computers between February 2001 and March 2002.

                                AIC does seem to have difficulty in spelling a simple name. He even had McKibben in another post!

