EU discussion

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  • Beef Oven

    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
    Blimey! Anybody'd think he'd said he was gay!

    Anybody who'd been following Beef's postings would from the half of them that they weren't to be taken seriously. The problem was knowing which half.
    How very dare you! I am not gay and I have no plans in that regard.


    • Beef Oven

      Originally posted by ahinton View Post
      I am not a resident (or non-resident) leftie but the problem that I have wirth Farage and his party is that he and they are too much of a one-trick pony; when do you ever hear more than a few words from any of their representatives without reference to Britain's position in Europe, EU, etc.? If Greece is forced to leave the Euorzone, the Eurozone might ultimately collapse but, even if it doesn't, the effect of the fallout on UK will be considerable; if the Eurozone does collapse, there might even be a risk that EU as a whole ultimately collapses; again, it's unlikely but, if it does, the effect on UK will be utterly devastating. This is where Farage & Co. seem to have no convincing input and I have no reason to believe that they even accept that either of these effects will actually come about. The problem here is that, if UK does have a referendum about its continued EU membership (and one should never say never), it might result in a cvote to remain within it but, if not, the result for UK will be as devastating as it will be if the Eurozone and/or EU eventually collapses irrespective of whether or not UK holds referendum beforehand that results in our departure from EU.

      I hope that you notice, Mr Pee, that I am pouring scorn and belittlement on no one in so saying - not even on Farage and his yon Kippers I mean You Kippers.
      It's a chuffing good trick though


      • Beef Oven

        Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
        Beef Oven, congratulations on coming out as a UKIP supporter on these boards.

        I hope you realise what you've let yourself in for. The resident lefties will do nothing now but pour scorn and belittlement on pretty much anything you say.
        I think we should form a centre-right coalition on here to challenge the Gaurdian-reading lefties. I think there are enough of us (including the closet righties) and we certainly have the arguments!!

        P.S. That's how the Guardian used to spell Guardian


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38181

          Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
          I think we should form a centre-right coalition on here to challenge the Gaurdian-reading lefties. I think there are enough of us (including the closet righties) and we certainly have the arguments!!

          (Always had me suspicions regarding "Progressive" rock's ideological positioning...)


          • Bryn
            • Mar 2007
            • 24688

            Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
            I think we should form a centre-right coalition on here to challenge the Gaurdian-reading lefties. I think there are enough of us (including the closet righties) and we certainly have the arguments!!
            If it's to be "centre-right", that excludes all the UKIPpers.


            • Beef Oven

              Originally posted by Bryn View Post
              If it's to be "centre-right", that excludes all the UKIPpers.
              You know that Bryn?


              • MrGongGong
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 18357

                Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                It''s a Blake quote!!!! William Blake!! He has nothing to do with UKIP - this is all the fault of that tosser MR GG!
                How quaint

                Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                I think we should form a centre-right coalition on here to challenge the Gaurdian-reading lefties. I think there are enough of us (including the closet righties) and we certainly have the arguments!!

                UKIP seem to be just slightly "left" of Genghis Khan


                • Beef Oven

                  Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post

                  (Always had me suspicions regarding "Progressive" rock's ideological positioning...)
                  Well it's always been close to the edge (in a roundabout sort of way)


                  • MrGongGong
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 18357

                    Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                    Well it's always been close to the edge
                    down by the river .........over the hill............

                    "and how they danced , the little people of stonehenge"


                    • Bryn
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 24688

                      Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                      You know that Bryn?
                      Indeed I do, on both counts.


                      • James Wonnacott
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 253

                        Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                        Beef Oven, congratulations on coming out as a UKIP supporter on these boards.

                        I hope you realise what you've let yourself in for. The resident lefties will do nothing now but pour scorn and belittlement on pretty much anything you say.
                        Left and right have nothing to do with it, we have many members from across the political spectrum who have (temporarily) put aside their differences to unite against the common enemy i.e. the political establishment of this country which has conspired to dig our nation deeper and deeper into an undemocratic european superstate.

                        When that is achieved we will all, no doubt, still hold the same political aspirations as we did previously. The difference is that, whichever side wins, left or right, they will be able to govern our country according to the wishes of the majority without interference from unelected bureaucrats in Brussels (or Strasbourg)
                        I have a medical condition- I am fool intolerant.


                        • Beef Oven

                          Originally posted by James Wonnacott View Post
                          Left and right have nothing to do with it, we have many members from across the political spectrum who have (temporarily) put aside their differences to unite against the common enemy i.e. the political establishment of this country which has conspired to dig our nation deeper and deeper into an undemocratic european superstate.

                          When that is achieved we will all, no doubt, still hold the same political aspirations as we did previously. The difference is that, whichever side wins, left or right, they will be able to govern our country according to the wishes of the majority without interference from unelected bureaucrats in Brussels (or Strasbourg)


                          • MrGongGong
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 18357

                            Originally posted by James Wonnacott View Post
                            Left and right have nothing to do with it, we have many members from across the political spectrum who have (temporarily) put aside their differences to unite against the common enemy i.e. the political establishment of this country which has conspired to dig our nation deeper and deeper into an undemocratic european superstate.

                            When that is achieved we will all, no doubt, still hold the same political aspirations as we did previously. The difference is that, whichever side wins, left or right, they will be able to govern our country according to the wishes of the majority without interference from unelected bureaucrats in Brussels (or Strasbourg)

                            So I guess an "unelected government" is ok as long as they are British ?
                            Since when did any government govern "according to the wishes of the majority" ???

                            and thank whoever that they don't ...... unless you are in favour of public executions etc etc etc

                            One of the main problems is in this language

                            "the common enemy" ........ as with the "WAR' on drugs it's this kind of thinking that we need to change .............


                            • ahinton
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 16123

                              Originally posted by James Wonnacott View Post
                              Left and right have nothing to do with it, we have many members from across the political spectrum who have (temporarily) put aside their differences to unite against the common enemy i.e. the political establishment of this country which has conspired to dig our nation deeper and deeper into an undemocratic european superstate.

                              When that is achieved we will all, no doubt, still hold the same political aspirations as we did previously. The difference is that, whichever side wins, left or right, they will be able to govern our country according to the wishes of the majority without interference from unelected bureaucrats in Brussels (or Strasbourg)
                              That's both an over-simplistic and thoroughly unpleasant viewpoint. Which areas of that establishment hae so conspired? Whoever has suggested that any UK government has tried (and it would be exceedingly stupid to try it in any case) to turn UK into any kind of "European superstate". This knee-jerk "unelected bureaucrats in Brussels" phrase surely went out with the ark, did it not? Many of those who hold governmental power in countries that regularly hold democratic elections are not elected by those in their electorates who vote instead for another party and that's expecially the case when a General Election results in a coalition such as the present one or when there's no overall majority; furthermore, many poeople just don't vote at all (though no one stops them from voting). Don't we have plenty of home-grown bureaucrats or do you genuinely believe that such people only live and work in Belgium?


                              • Beef Oven

                                Originally posted by ahinton View Post
                                That's both an over-simplistic and thoroughly unpleasant viewpoint. Which areas of that establishment hae so conspired? Whoever has suggested that any UK government has tried (and it would be exceedingly stupid to try it in any case) to turn UK into any kind of "European superstate". This knee-jerk "unelected bureaucrats in Brussels" phrase surely went out with the ark, did it not? Many of those who hold governmental power in countries that regularly hold democratic elections are not elected by those in their electorates who vote instead for another party and that's expecially the case when a General Election results in a coalition such as the present one or when there's no overall majority; furthermore, many poeople just don't vote at all (though no one stops them from voting). Don't we have plenty of home-grown bureaucrats or do you genuinely believe that such people only live and work in Belgium?
                                How much is a return ticket to your planet? I'd like to have a look around.

