New Year Dinner Party - choose your guests
Uncle Monty
If you just want to do a straightforward "smile", it's simplest to type just a colon followed by a closed bracket. : + ) = :)Last edited by Eine Alpensinfonie; 03-01-11, 14:29.
Uncle Monty
Just come back from Coleford Co-op
Here it is:
I momentarily considered sneaking a picture of the ladies for you, but decided that would not be quite the thing
Originally posted by salymap View PostWhy don't you Co-op customers invite a number of Co-op ladies to your own dinner party? It might be interesting. Meanwhile I'll make do with my musicians thanks
But then I remembered that you are a lady yourself
Any time you fancy a shelf-stacker ogling trip down at your nearest Waitrose, salymap just tip me the wink & I'll arrange transport
And a visit afterwards to the Dog & Strumpet... for a schooner of sherry and a wipedown with an oily rag
Originally posted by salymap View PostYou are not, um, multi- tasking are you amateur 51? And the Dog and Strumpet doesn't sound your sort of pub.
Ileave you to your imaginings, I'm going to have a snooze after putting the bins out. Behave now. saly
I was thinking of an intimate dinner, sometime akin to this great example perhaps?:
Dinner for One - Freddie Frinton ----Read the article about this sketch at:
I would like to invite the following people to my party:-
1. Jelly Roll Morton
2. Audrey Tautou
3. Juliette Binoche
4. Brian Clough
5. Tony Benn
6. Lee Mack
7. Nigella Lawson
8. Bart Simpson
9. Kirsty Young
10. Sir David Attenborough
11. Kate Humble
12. Gerald of Wales
13. King Alfred
14. Gilbert White
15. Sophie Marceau
David Samuels
How about Natalie Dessay? (Listen to her Morgana in Bill Christie's production of Alcina). Or Emanuelle Haim. Or both. Preferably.
3rd Viennese School
Originally posted by offbeat View PostHi Alison - nice to speakagain - excellent thread
For Me
1) Arvo Part
2) Rose from my local co-op
3) Remember Easter Island (sydney grew) just to satisfy my curiousity
4) W C Fields - a legend for me
5) An extra equine guest -mmmm probably Kauto Star