New Year Dinner Party - choose your guests

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  • amateur51

    Originally posted by salymap View Post
    Am 51, you can always cheer me up you out-going old thing. [I was going to say outrageous, but thought better of it] Saly x
    Mersey buckets, saly! Never take yourself too seriously is my motto - that's for other, more discriminating folk to do

    Glad you made it into 2011. I've just come to the surface after my afternoon nap - there was some grand residual heat from the hot water bottle


    • Eudaimonia

      So it's settled then-- next year, we'll all have New Year's Eve at Sal's do have room for all 512 of us, don't you?

      Don't worry, we'll help you out: I'll do the hors d'oeuvres and cakes, AM51 can be in charge of the bubbly and spirits, Marthe's doing the flowers, AG will be the MC and host, and S_A can spin the platters as the DJ. Or perhaps you'd like a little live music...I'll leave the musicians to sort themselves, but I think some Hindemith pieces for horn would be nice, don't you?

      Best wishes to all for the new year...CHEERS!


      • salymap
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 5969

        Thanks for that Euda.Let's hope it's fine,I have a large garden but a small home. You may have to wear that horn round your neck though! sal


        • antongould
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 8870

          Now I suppose only the washing up remains and to get salymap home from her various locations. I hope some of the events benefited from that happy "thing" happenstance or coincidence if you will. To show why I should be thrown off these boards when I read salymap's list I had no idea who Peter Katin was and so off to wikipedia to be impressed and educated. At that very moment I was downloading a Sir Adrian Boult/Vernon Handley Finzi compilation CD as I have mislaid my recording of Eclogue and who should turn up playing the piano wonderfully well - Peter Katin of course! Also on there is would you believe Nocturne (New Year Music)!!!


          • salymap
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 5969

            Afternoon anton,well you have some catching up to do over Peter Katin. We had an 80th birthday thread on the old MBs for him at the end of lastyear,as he was and is a member of both forums. They are still available if yousign in. I'm no music critic but he has always struck me as a pianist that gets to the heart ofthe music
            with the minimum of fuss and I particularly like his Chopin, as he gives it room to breathe but keeps it going.
            Funny how co-incidences like yours happen though.


            • salymap
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 5969

              Swings and roundabouts anton. You don'tknow of 'our' Peter Katin, I don't know of Finzi's Eclogue. Afraid Finzi is just a name to me, have never heard a stitch of his music, sad to say. Whoops, I see I have 'Let us garlands bring', on a CD with other things.


              • Franzl01

                Originally posted by Alison View Post
                How about

                (i) a musician

                (ii) someone not famous / local to you

                (iii) a messageboarder

                (iv) a wildcard for anyone else !
                1) It has to be Franz Schubert - if he can overcome his shyness enough to chat, and then to improvise for us to dance to!

                2) My Portuguese teacher, who is one of the 'bubbliest' people I have ever met

                3) Salymap - pleeeeeeeese

                4) Hornspieler, because he can talk about music and musicians without the nastiness that so many people seem to affect.

                Have a great New Year everyone!

                (Sorry, the Y of Year got lower-cased!)


                • salymap
                  Late member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 5969

                  Crumbs, it must be that new perfume I had for Christmas. [Laugh] I still can't see how to do smilies, sorry.

                  Happy New Year, Franz101


                  • Uncle Monty

                    Originally posted by salymap View Post
                    I still can't see how to do smilies, sorry.
                    salymap, you just click the "Go Advanced" under your reply, and the full array of smilies will appear. You may not need them, but I do, as I talk with smilies and can't write without them. . .


                    • salymap
                      Late member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 5969

                      Thanks Uncle Monty


                      • antongould
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 8870

                        And now you can do smilees or whatever you will get even more Dinner Party invitations in 2012! Going back to catching up on Mr. Katin I have started and have downloaded Schubert Impromptus and find them most excellent - different from the Brendel I have but most "pleasing". Thank you to both you and him. Of course he has a distinct advantage over my pianist guest in that he is not "pushing up daisies" with Napoleon 3!


                        • Mr Pee
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 3285

                          Originally posted by Uncle Monty View Post
                          You're not the chap who helpfully told my then girlfriend many years ago that it was perfectly OK to park by the church, omitting to mention the small matter of the tide, are you?!

                          We were advised never to buy a car from anyone in Bosham
                          I can't think why, Uncle Monty:-

                          At the point of high tide, the car was almost completely submerged and, of course, a write-off. From the time the water first lapped at the wheels to here took about 45 minutes.

                          And I would never deliberately let some poor grockle park on the shore road with an incoming tide.....well.....maybe occasionally...if they admitted to liking Berlioz, for example...

                          It does happen fairly regularly here, despite the warning signs and a notice in the pub which is accompanied by photos such as the one above.

                          A great source of entertainment for we locals though!
                          Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

                          Mark Twain.


                          • offbeat

                            Hi Alison - nice to speakagain - excellent thread
                            For Me
                            1) Arvo Part
                            2) Rose from my local co-op
                            3) Remember Easter Island (sydney grew) just to satisfy my curiousity
                            4) W C Fields - a legend for me
                            5) An extra equine guest -mmmm probably Kauto Star



                            • Petrushka
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 12435

                              Originally posted by offbeat View Post
                              Rose from my local co-op
                              The Co-op again!! What is it about the Co-op? It's practically my 'corner shop' and I pop in all the time. Nothing to do with the gorgeous Kim who works there of course.
                              "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


                              • charles t
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 592

                                If not previously cited, the 8thObstruction would be noteworthy (separate entrance for the accompanying animals).

