The Queen's Jubilee

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  • vinteuil
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 13192

    Originally posted by handsomefortune View Post
    just weed his pants,.
    I wd be interested in any comments from the experts on the 'Pedants' thread here.

    The verb 'to wee' is - I presume - intransitive. So perhaps, 'to wee into his pants'? or has 'to wee his pants' acquired sufficient usage that it is an accepted form?

    The present tense : I wee. The perfect tense here - is it actually 'he has weed'? - might it not be: 'he has *wee-ed' = 'wee'd', or *'weeed'?
    Or is it like 'see / saw / seen' - 'he has ween'??


    • amateur51

      Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
      I wd be interested in any comments from the experts on the 'Pedants' thread here.

      The verb 'to wee' is - I presume - intransitive. So perhaps, 'to wee into his pants'? or has 'to wee his pants' acquired sufficient usage that it is an accepted form?

      The present tense : I wee. The perfect tense here - is it actually 'he has weed'? - might it not be: 'he has *wee-ed' = 'wee'd', or *'weeed'?
      Or is it like 'see / saw / seen' - 'he has ween'??

      Is that the distant chunter of a tuk-tuk I hear?


      • Nick Armstrong
        • Nov 2010
        • 26624

        Originally posted by amateur51 View Post

        Is that the distant chunter of a tuk-tuk I hear?

        "...the isle is full of noises,
        Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
        Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
        Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


        • scottycelt

          Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
          Great stuff scotty, ever the true democrat.

          In a report released by Stonewall today, a YouGov poll has found 71 percent of people approve of the government's plans to allow gay couples to marry, and the same number want faiths to be able to perform gay weddings ceremonies if they choose.

          So the fact that in a Stonewall/YouGov poll 71% of Britons were keen on equal marriage for people regardless of gender (link above) means that you'll be giving that your backing, I'm sure. Perhaps you could write to the appropriate people in your religion's hierarchy & tip them the wink on this 'democracy by majority' business
          Wondered how long it would take you to return to your favourite obsession, amsey ..

          Don't know why you continue to pick on 'my religion' as the news today was all about the Church of England's statement in opposition to the idea. Christianity cannot really be expected to be 'democratic' in the secular sense and has never claimed to be. There is a real chance here of a major rift which could result in Disestablishment which you would no doubt welcome.

          The Churches are powerless to stop such a move if political leaders are determined on this course of social engineering for votes and under the gentle guise of 'equality'. Most people in the country are probably agnostic (according to all polls) but a majority still claim some religious connection.

          However, I certainly wouldn't take an opinion poll from 'Pink News' too seriously and would prefer to wait for more reputable and reliable information. I certainly do not believe the claim that over 70% of the population are 'keen' on gay marriage ... if true, we can forget about any worries of a population explosion ... Mr Summerskill was on the radio this morning and kept shouting down his opponent until the exasperated intervention of the interviewer. The representative from the CofE finally silenced the loudmouth by contradicting his accusations, offering to provide proof of the falsehoods in 'black and white'.

          My own feeling, FWIW, is that this is yet another Cameron blunder almost certainly forced on him by the Lib Dems and when it dawns on him and others just how damaging this change might be, it could well be quietly dropped.

          I wouldn't get your pink gins out in gleeful celebration just yet, ams ...


          • Beef Oven

            Originally posted by Caliban View Post

            Let me just grab my glasses


            • MrGongGong
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 18357

              Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
              There is a real chance here of a major rift which could result in Disestablishment .
              Now that's something that WILL "bring us together"

              essential listening

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              • amateur51

                Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                Wondered how long it would take you to return to your favourite obsession, amsey ..

                Don't know why you continue to pick on 'my religion' as the news today was all about the Church of England's statement in opposition to the idea. Christianity cannot really be expected to be 'democratic' in the secular sense and has never claimed to be. There is a real chance here of a major rift which could result in Disestablishment which you would no doubt welcome.

                The Churches are powerless to stop such a move if political leaders are determined on this course of social engineering for votes and under the gentle guise of 'equality'. Most people in the country are probably agnostic (according to all polls) but a majority still claim some religious connection.

                However, I certainly wouldn't take an opinion poll from 'Pink News' too seriously and would prefer to wait for more reputable and reliable information. I certainly do not believe the claim that over 70% of the population are 'keen' on gay marriage ... if true, we can forget about any worries of a population explosion ... Mr Summerskill was on the radio this morning and kept shouting down his opponent until the exasperated intervention of the interviewer. The representative from the CofE finally silenced the loudmouth by contradicting his accusations, offering to provide proof of the falsehoods in 'black and white'.

                My own feeling, FWIW, is that this is yet another Cameron blunder almost certainly forced on him by the Lib Dems and when it dawns on him and others just how damaging this change might be, it could well be quietly dropped.

                I wouldn't get your pink gins out in gleeful celebration just yet, ams ...
                Excellent stuff scotty, no sooner do you state an incontrovertible 'truth' than you seek a reason to deny it with Jesuitical zeal

                By their double standards shall ye know them
                Last edited by Guest; 13-06-12, 10:08. Reason: trypo spotted by scotty, beefy, & ahinton - the usual crew


                • Beef Oven

                  Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                  Excellent stuff scotty, no sooner do you state an incontravertible 'truth' than you seek a reason to deny it with Jesuitical zeal

                  By their double standards shall ye know them
                  'jesuitical' - yuck!


                  • scottycelt

                    Originally posted by Beef Oven View Post
                    'jesuitical' - yuck!
                    'incontravertible' ... even yuckier ...


                    • Eine Alpensinfonie
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 20585

                      Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
                      I wd be interested in any comments from the experts on the 'Pedants' thread here.

                      The verb 'to wee' is - I presume - intransitive. So perhaps, 'to wee into his pants'? or has 'to wee his pants' acquired sufficient usage that it is an accepted form?
                      Well, pendants like myself will never accept such grammatical vandalism, but as the contributor in question doesn't care about such courteous niceties as punctuation and capital letters, I tend to pass over those particular postings as too much trouble to translate.


                      • ahinton
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 16123

                        Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                        Well, pendants like myself will never accept such grammatical vandalism, but as the contributor in question doesn't care about such courteous niceties as punctuation and capital letters, I tend to pass over those particular postings as too much trouble to translate.
                        To precisely what do you consider yourself to be a "pendant", EA? I'm aware, of course, that the exquisite though quite challenging unaccompanied choral piece An den Baum Daphne is a kind of "pendant" to your presumed hero's opera Daphne, but...


                        • ahinton
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 16123

                          Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                          'incontravertible' ... even yuckier ...
                          Who did that? I hope that it was not a typo on my part!...


                          • Beef Oven

                            Originally posted by scottycelt View Post
                            'incontravertible' ... even yuckier ...


                            • Beef Oven

                              Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                              Well, pendants like myself will never accept such grammatical vandalism, but as the contributor in question doesn't care about such courteous niceties as punctuation and capital letters, I tend to pass over those particular postings as too much trouble to translate.
                              Wrong thread - this should be on pendants and brooches


                              • Lateralthinking1

                                But onto (on (gap) to?) extremely important matters......

                                Is it Po-land or Pole-and? I have always said Po-land but the television people keep saying Pole-and.

                                I am also not keen on the word "Poles" as I feel there is just a hint of the derogatory in that term. I prefer to say "the Polish" but most do not seem to share my concern. Is one right and one wrong and if "Poles" is the right one, should I worry less?

                                Yours in good faith etc.
                                Last edited by Guest; 12-06-12, 21:40.

