It'sabout time this country'scommunity did come together! It will make society as whole a much better evoirement to be in!
The Queen's Jubilee
Originally posted by Mr Pee View PostConveniently ignoring the fact that many of the troops involved had only recently returned from Afghanistan, where they were putting their lives on the line and, in some cases, had seen their friends and comrades slaughtered.
Still, don't let such trivia get in the way of a cheap laugh.
aaah yes our heroic troops (some of whom ARE heroic by the way , so don't get me wrong..........)
nothing like a bit of slaughter in a foreign country to "bring us all together"
another of our noble traditions
How many meaningless deaths does one need to "bring the country together I wonder ?"
Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
for exmple
"We saw them at Aldermaston, at Greenham Common, the Newbury and Winchester by passes and latterly on the steps of St Pauls. They are anarchists who hate everything we hold dear and would seek to destroy our society and it's way of life from within"
1:disengage brain ........check
2: BP 200 : 120......... check
3:.......... check
4: email newspaper.......check
thanks Peester that's cheered me up no end !
Beef Oven
Originally posted by Mr Pee View Postb
Wonderful - This Diamond Jubilee Year is going to be so good for the morale of the nation - I can't wait 'til all the parties start and we all really get in the spirit of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Beef Oven View Postb
Wonderful - This Diamond Jubilee Year is going to be so good for the morale of the nation - I can't wait 'til all the parties start and we all really get in the spirit of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Beef Oven View Postb
Wonderful - This Diamond Jubilee Year is going to be so good for the morale of the nation - I can't wait 'til all the parties start and we all really get in the spirit of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by MrGongGong View Postthanks Peester that's cheered me up no end !
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
Mark Twain.
Originally posted by Mr Pee View PostCouldn't agree more. And look, even Mr GG has raised a smile:-
which seems to prove that we have failed to teach critical thinking
and as for the "ancient" traditions ........
about as ancient as NOT clapping between movements
this is more of the one nation that I would want ............
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Originally posted by MrGongGong View Postone of the things that is funny (in several ways) is that some people really believe all of this "pulling us all together" nonsense
which seems to prove that we have failed to teach critical thinkingPatriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.
Mark Twain.
Beef Oven
Originally posted by MrGongGong View Postone of the things that is funny (in several ways) is that some people really believe all of this "pulling us all together" nonsense
which seems to prove that we have failed to teach critical thinking
and as for the "ancient" traditions ........
about as ancient as NOT clapping between movements
this is more of the one nation that I would want ............
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Apart from the minority of miserable misanthropes, this whole thing is going to be a rip-roar of celebration for all of us in this great nation.
Even new, overseas members of our nation are getting in the swing!
Beef Oven
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post....... the owner threw out 3 customers for not standing to the National Anthem!
Little twerps like that should be thrown out - wish I'd been there, I'd have relished being able to assist in throwing misanthropes like that into the gutter where they belong!!!