Originally posted by aeolium
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Posh Boys in trouble?
It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by scottycelt View PostAren't Ed Miliband and the rest of the Labour Front Bench 'posh' boys and girls as well ... ?
They all sound 'posh' to me ... apart from Ed Balls who just sounds silly.I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.
London-Wide Assembly Candidates -
Here is the snooze-worthy bruising style stereotype leading the left list -
Alex Gordon, President of the RMT, speaks about being a member of the fastest growing union in the United Kingdom .http://matking.me/Woke up this Morning are...
There is not one but two fascist lists - the BNP and National Front Putting Londoners First.
Plus Andrew Boff (Tory), wildly right wing, perennial, Nicky Gavron (Labour), frightfully posh and distant, perennial, the Christian Peoples' Alliance, UKIP, two independent Muslim activists, the English Democrats (Dads' rights basically) and The House Party.
That leaves ok Jenny Jones (Green) and the apparently reasonable Caroline Pidgeon but she's a Liberal Democrat.Last edited by Guest; 29-04-12, 21:05.
Resurrection Man
Originally posted by teamsaint View Postyes.And mostly bank of England insiders or city boys and girls.
Originally posted by Resurrection Man View PostAnd so what? If they have the education and experience it doesn't matter where they come from. To discount them simply because they come from a public school background is surely the sign of a bigot?
the labour party is utterly failing to support working people. It supports bankers and the city. It appoints bankers and city lawyers to it's front benches.
To recognise that is not bigotry, its having your eyes open, and seeing what is really going on.
I didn't mention public school backgrounds , in any case.
Are you suggesting that I am a bigot on the basis of something that I didn't say?
Also, going back to the OP, if we are talking about experience, I would suggest that dave and george are short on experience and long on contacts, really.Last edited by teamsaint; 30-04-12, 05:58.I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostAs for the rest I think that Clegg has misread how 'the country' expected him to play his hand. He has been largely acquiescent or he has gone into hiding (quite disgracefully)..
Originally posted by teamsaint View Postdemocracy alive and well judging by the number of views, Lat !!
And I thought Salisbury was bad.
We usually get a choice of a Tory Doctor, and Libdem Doctor, and whoever's turn it is for labour.
Ukip are regarded as lefty loonies hereabouts.
It would be a waste of petrol if I couldn't just walk down to spoil my ballot paper.
They all make the mistake that when people vote for them we are often voting "against" a worse option
surely we deserve better than this ?
Given that there are only 2 main parties now, and they both agree on most things it's hardly a great "choice" is it ?
Well great day leafleting yesterday. Got lost far from home, soaked to the skin in a downpour and managed to get both hands stuck in the same letterbox at the same time. Possibly a unique feat in the history of leafleters. Out for more now ... People v. the Posh Boys. Btw, has Nadine Dorries become the poster girl of the middle-class left?
Surely it's time for "None of the above" to be printed on the paper ?It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
has Nadine Dorries become the poster girl of the middle-class left?
certainly not - she is an opportunist nutter though (imv). is dorries friends with baroness warsi - god what a thought those two represent combined! wimmin eh!
whistle blow emoticon - awf side french frank!
X (that mark of the illiterate) is the limit of their capability.)
where's the ref?
I have a very good Green councillor to re-elect.
And a good Green candidate for Mayor, who is doing surprisingly well in the hustings, though if the Labour leader doesn't get 50% of the vote, there's an interesting independent who may stand a chance.
So all this talk of only 2 main parties now, and they both agree on most things... irritates me a lot. Why don;'t these people stand for election themselves?
Originally posted by handsomefortune View Postwhistle blow emoticon - awf side french frank!
X (that mark of the illiterate) is the limit of their capability.)
where's the ref?)
Dorries as poster girl refers to the adoption of 'Posh Boys' by the anti-Cameron/Osborne persuasion of the left.
And Jean's right: stand for election yourself and you'll find out that it's hard work!It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
And Jean's right: stand for election yourself and you'll find out that it's hard work!
and there is that dismal experience ...canvassing when you realise just what the great british public can be like ...... [out mostly or having supper]According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.