In French "vice" is masculine and "vertu" is feminine. Easy to remember!
Pedants' Paradise
This is a sticky topic.
Originally posted by Padraig View Post...The word is masculine gender in that it is treated grammatically as such. For example, feminine nouns are lenited by the (definite) article 'an' - there is no indefinite article in Irish. A hen is 'cearc'; the hen is 'an chearc'; but the girl is 'an cailรญn'. Of course, once identified the girl reassumes her rights.
I knew about front mutation in Welsh (of course.)
Originally posted by jean View PostThere's a word I didn't know the meaning of until I looked it up just now!
I knew about front mutation in Welsh (of course.)
For example, the Welsh word for Cardiff is Caerdydd. 'In Cardiff' would be 'yn Caerdydd' but the mutation makes it 'yngh Ghaerdydd' ( I think!)
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostPadraig's example of an chearc looks very like something from Welsh. I was taught that many of these mutations were in fact a codification of a natural speaking usage in which the change makes the word arrangement easier to say.
For example, the Welsh word for Cardiff is Caerdydd. 'In Cardiff' would be 'yn Caerdydd' but the mutation makes it 'yngh Ghaerdydd' ( I think!)
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostPadraig's example of an chearc looks very like something from Welsh. I was taught that many of these mutations were in fact a codification of a natural speaking usage in which the change makes the word arrangement easier to say.
For example, the Welsh word for Cardiff is Caerdydd. 'In Cardiff' would be 'yn Caerdydd' but the mutation makes it 'yngh Ghaerdydd' ( I think!)
Or: Betws; ym Metws, i Fetws, o Fetws
Welsh mutations are best understood by speaking them: in that espect it's a "lazy" language as most mutations soften the sharp edges in pronunciation. There aren't that many which are primarily dictated by grammar.
Originally posted by jean View PostThere's a word I didn't know the meaning of until I looked it up just now!
I knew about front mutation in Welsh (of course.)
1909 J. Strachan Introd. Early Welsh 12 When an adjective in the positive degree precedes, the noun is lenated.
Strachan was indeed the modern textbook we used. Of the three 'lenate' form examples, two are from Strachan.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by french frank View PostAnd, possibly because I was taught Welsh by a Scotsman (from Islay), I always used the form 'lenated'
1909 J. Strachan Introd. Early Welsh 12 When an adjective in the positive degree precedes, the noun is lenated.
Strachan was indeed the modern textbook we used. Of the three 'lenate' form examples, two are from Strachan.
Originally posted by JFLL View Post...presumably some other pedant pointed out that the Latin verb was lenire not lenare ...
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostMost Welsh courses are based on the S. Wales dialect, but the language is, I believe, spoken more widely in the north. A paradox.
Northern Welsh (by the Goggies) is heard in the Welsh heartlands, i.e. Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy (with exception of the Llandudno-Rhyl coastal area), Denbighshire, Wrexham, Dyfed, Ceredigion. Southern orientated Welsh ( spoken by the Hwntws) is mostly heard roughly south of the A40, including Carmarthenshire, Breckonshire, to the borders.Last edited by Guest; 30-11-14, 14:50.
Originally posted by Roehre View PostWelsh courses outside Wales tend to be southern Welsh. Courses in Wales -especially those either by the University of Wales or Menter Iaith - tend to be the Welsh dialect of the area in which they are given.
Northern Welsh (by the Goggies) is heard in the Welsh heartlands, i.e. Anglesey, Gwynedd, Conwy (with exception of the Llandudno-Rhyl coastal area), Denbighshire, Wrexham, Dyfed, Ceredigion. Southern orientated Welsh ( spoken by the Hwntws) is most heard roughly south of the A40, including Carmarthenshire, Breckonshire, to the borders.
The Welsh taught in the parts of North Wales I know about is what the Welsh there actually speak.
My niece and nephews went to Welsh-medium school in Llanrug (Gwynedd) and sat GCSEs in Welsh there, and though they were scathing about South Walian Welsh whenever they came across it (such as when I quoted someting I'd heard somewhere), they had no problems aligning what they'd been taught with what they were speaking and hearing all round them.
I do remember though that adults who'd attended Welsh classes would try to to use in conversation words they'd learned, only to be told by the uncomprehending locals that the word they used was just an English one with -io on the end.
Richard Tarleton
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostMost Welsh courses are based on the S. Wales dialect, but the language is, I believe, spoken more widely in the north. A paradox.