Somehow knowing what the production style was going to be like made it seem less awful, or at least more tolerable. Rather like inoculation. We got to see/hear a reasonable chunk from each performer, though obviously not enough to make a formed opinion as the judges did. I enjoyed the tuba player's wacky piece, and thought the tenor horn certainly deserved his place in Black Dyke Mills.
BBC Young Musician - Brass
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostSomehow knowing what the production style was going to be like made it seem less awful, or at least more tolerable. Rather like inoculation. We got to see/hear a reasonable chunk from each performer, though obviously not enough to make a formed opinion as the judges did. I enjoyed the tuba player's wacky piece, and thought the tenor horn certainly deserved his place in Black Dyke Mills.Did the presenter call it that?
Un fortun ately I missed this programme last night. Hpowever, this weekend i will watch it! Had a gig myself!Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750
Originally posted by DracoM View PostSad for the tuba player. Seemed to me to be a serious player on a tricky instrument. Ah well.
Only the winner had an opportunity to display his MUSICIANSHIP!
What on earth are these young people's tutors doing, sending their pupils to play a load of rubbish which allow for no opportunity to display a feeling for phrasing, interpretation or emotion?
PS Hard luck for the young tenor horn player. Technically brilliant, but in the wrong environment to have any chance of winning.
The banmd is called Black Dyke now and has been that for a number of years!!! Did the presenter call it that?
BUT what truly got me was that we were well into THIRTEEN minutes of the programme before we heard more than a handful of notes played by ANY of them
Of the ninety minutes the prog ran, did anyone count how many minutes we heard the contestants actually play, as opposed to endlessly chat / be interviewed / be seen cleaning their teeth / playing football / shown as being interested in eating or 'normal teen tings'??, or CBH twittering?? Do any of the cameo portraits matter the slightest bit as against their playing in the competition?? Or is this the Beeb's 'medicine in a mess of cherries' approach to making sure they don't frighten the viewers with too much full-on [gosh!] 'classical music'?
Memo to self: must stop drinking vinegar.
ardcarp: right. Will go and do other things for 60% of the next programme.Last edited by DracoM; 21-04-12, 10:15.
As I'm not encouraged to watch the programme by the posts so far, could someone tell me who actually won?
I can work out that it wasn't the tenor horn or the tuba, but............a PM will do if it must be kept generally secret to encourage viewersLast edited by salymap; 21-04-12, 10:10.
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostNo,probably just me. Sorry if I touched a raw nerve there BBM !
Well, I was watching it with my g-kids who are used to CBBC. I just made the coffee during that bit.Don’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750
Originally posted by Hornspieler View PostThe competition is called "Young Musician of the Year"
Only the winner had an opportunity to display his MUSICIANSHIP!
What on earth are these young people's tutors doing, sending their pupils to play a load of rubbish which allow for no opportunity to display a feeling for phrasing, interpretation or emotion?
PS Hard luck for the young tenor horn player. Technically brilliant, but in the wrong environment to have any chance of winning.
I am catching up with this, watching with half an eye to begin with (the remaining eye and a half were on here)... and I suddenly started as I wondered what Gennadi Rozhdestvensky was doing, accompanying the first tenor horn player
Speaking as a trombonist, one of the reasons I never did solo stuff (apart from my far-reaching mediocrity) was that the repertoire for brass showpieces is by-and-large of limited interest to me....
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostIf his day-job is being a Famous-Russian-Conductor-Impersonator, then it's a good thing he had an evening off to accompany that first horn piece. Flippin' difficult,It was the ferocious piano part that made me look up... and then think "Noddy!!!"
Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
Only the winner had an opportunity to display his MUSICIANSHIP!
What on earth are these young people's tutors doing...
I thought the tuba player was outstanding but wouldn't take it away from the winner, who was clearly a knock-out - no doubt even more so live in the hall, where his generosity of sound combined with quality of tone probably marked him out more than through the mikes..."...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."