What's Going On?

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  • amateur51
    • Mar 2025

    What's Going On?

    Two events of a legal nature this week have left me feeling rather uncomfortable.

    I suspect there's something going on but I don't really know what it is, and hence the uncomfortable feeling ...

    Item One: The Death of Mark Duggan

    The Independent Police Complaints Commission, the police watchdog investigating the death of Mark Duggan has called for the law to be changed after admitting that its "hands are tied" by legislation that means that a public coroner's inquest into the killing may never be held.

    Police watchdog investigating death of Duggan, whose shooting sparked last year's riots, says law prevents it revealing evidence


    Yet another example of a young man being shot by the Met. and then apparently no-one being punished for doing it.

    Item Two: Edlington Child Attacks 2009

    The education secretary, Michael Gove, has rejected an official report into the notorious Edlington attack in 2009, in which two young boys were sadistically tortured in South Yorkshire by two brothers with a history of family violence, and ordered a fresh inquiry.

    The Department for Education's 159-page serious case review (SCR), published on Thursday, found that no-one could have reasonably predicted the "severity and extent" of the assaults on the two boys, but concluded the attack would have been "preventable" had officials taken "assertive and effective" action to address the brothers' escalating pattern of violence.

    Full serious case review says attacks in which two young boys were subjected to prolonged torture were 'preventable'

    The relationship that bothers me is that in the first item there seems to be a 'technical fix' that allows the Met to get off, no questions asked. Can we wonder that, having been through this sort of thing before, the Black community in Tottenham felt agrieved initially and are now having to go through it all again. However, in item two there is a zealous politician who doesn't like the first Serious Case Review report and is pushing for further work to be done.

    The two cases appear to be the polar opposite ends of the spectrum. Where the issue appears to be police violence against a young black man there's what appears to be a technicval cover-up. In the second, where no police staff are implicated and the victims and perpetrators are white, there is this strange pursuit of a different truth by a politician, almost as though the first report didn't get to the truth that the politician wanted.

    Why is there no politician prepared to push hard to open the door to the truth in Item One?
  • teamsaint
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 25302

    Who Makes the rules up?
    Who implements the rules?
    Who benefits from the rules and how they are implemented?

    The death of David Kelly, and the aftermath tells us all we need to know.
    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

    I am not a number, I am a free man.


    • handsomefortune

      left me feeling rather uncomfortable.

      me too amatuer51 .....judicial process and its implementation is everybodys business. or should be.

      yet we all know that this could be us, or a relie, or friend, receiving equally poor treatment.

      so it's no wonder that the majority of responsible uk people might currently feel 'uncomfortable'. these examples shake our confidence, our trust dissolves, morphs into 'naivity'; 'complacency'; or we blame our general 'out of touchedness' .

      whereas actual criminals wont mind that much presumably? may well assume it's 'not their business', and might possibly have first hand experience of other poor examples of the way implementation of the law actually works?

      it makes us wonder who's actually left to ask much needed, important questions affecting us all ultimately?


      • aka Calum Da Jazbo
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 9173

        the IPCC is highlighting a problem with the law as it stands ie that intercept evidence may not be revealed by any one ever [essentially lobbied for by MI5 and security services] so although the IPCC know of phone tapped conversations relevant to the Duggan case they may not refer to them nor to their knowledge they exist ... their silence thus invites attributions of conspiracy etc ...
        According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


        • aeolium
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 3992

          There's also this SOCA report on police corruption which headlined on Channel 4 News last night.

          To some extent it's due to bad legislation, like RIPA, and poor safeguards for people both in the lop-sided extradition treaty with the USA and the European Arrest Warrant. On the other hand, to those who remember really out of control forces like the West Midlands Serious Crime Squad and the numerous miscarriages of justice in the 1970s and 1980s (before the Police and Criminal Evidence legislation), perhaps these days are not as bad as we think.


          • handsomefortune

            yes, but i can see that gove/whoever might just also send ipcc, and soca revelations back, until they arrive at the 'right' conclusion too!

            so much 'entertainment' revolves around crime & corruption that it occasionally makes you wonder who might notice when the same is true in reality. it's that old chestnut of 'normalising' things that are pretty grotesque, and should be rare.... ideally.

            perhaps these days are not as bad as we think.

            let's sincerely hope so!


            • eighthobstruction
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 6533

              Why is it taking SOOooooooooooooooooooooo long for the PC who bashed Ian Tomlinson to come to trial....
              bong ching


              • Serial_Apologist
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 38194

                Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                Why is it taking SOOooooooooooooooooooooo long for the PC who bashed Ian Tomlinson to come to trial....
                First things last. Harwood's trial on the manslaughter charge is scheduled for the Old Bailey in June.


                • eighthobstruction
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 6533

                  Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                  First things last. Harwood's trial on the manslaughter charge is scheduled for the Old Bailey in June.
                  ....Not during Euro 2012 Football one hopes.....but of course that is probably a replacement for the John Terry trial slot....
                  bong ching


                  • amateur51

                    Scotland Yard is facing a racism scandal after a black man used his mobile phone to record police officers subjecting him to a tirade of abuse in which he was told by PC MacFarlane: "The problem with you is you will always be a nigger".

                    Crown Prosecution Service reviews decision not to charge officers heard boasting of strangling 21-year-old black man• Listen to the recording

                    The Independent Police Complaints Commission referred the case to the Crown Prosecution Service on the basis that three officers, including MacFarlane, may have committed criminal offences.

                    The CPS initially decided no charges should be brought against any of the police officers. However on Thursday, the service said it would review the file after lawyers for the man threatened to challenge the decision in a high court judicial review. MacFarlane has been suspended.

                    They had to threaten to go to High Court?

                    What is going on?

