I see that the Tories are finally cashing on the office - should be quite lucative say 200 dinners a year with say 20 'donors' should rake in near £1000M per year - why not adopt the US scheme of companies buying laws as works well in USA and produces a model democracy
Barrow boy politics
why not adopt the US scheme of companies buying laws as works well in USA and produces a model democracy
.... oh no couldn't do that it cuts out the middleman eh? ..... they all vote Tory ....nudge etc
According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
why not buy your MP in aa plain brown wrapper - Central office could compile a list of ambitious and amoral MPs (no doubt many to choose from)who could be funded indirectly by companies - eg a small clique of pliable MPs could help push extension to copyright, further criminalisation of copyright infringers etc (maybe even an ISP imposed tax to pay for it), maybe operate the same way the tobacco companies prevent health legislation for years by setting up pseudo health charities to push false or misleading info - I'm sure the various media monopolies could sink a few millions into support for the Tories.
On a second note is there any indication how much private dinners with Clegg are hawked for (or does he have to pay to take in guests now?)