The Dreams of William Golding. Sat March 17th on BBC2 TV 9.30 pm

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    Urge all WG fans to read the brilliant Carey biog.


    • St Hubert

      Hello HS!
      What an amazing photo.

      Tony Brown actually was not "crippled from birth" but from Polio in his childhood.
      I'd love to have a copy of this picture though.
      BTW he spelt his name "Antony" without an "h" and was proud to become an FRAM.
      Very warming to find AFB remembered so well.


      • Hornspieler

        Originally posted by St Hubert View Post
        Hello HS!
        What an amazing photo.

        Tony Brown actually was not "crippled from birth" but from Polio in his childhood.
        I'd love to have a copy of this picture though.
        BTW he spelt his name "Antony" without an "h" and was proud to become an FRAM.
        Very warming to find AFB remembered so well.
        Nice to hear from you St Hubert.

        Perhaps frenchfrank could email a copy of the photograph of WG to you? (if she still has it?)

        I certainly would have no objection to any of our fellow message boarders receiving a copy of the jpg picture which she so kindly published on this thread at my request.

        If not possible, please let me know and we will seek another way.

        Tony Brown taught me practically everything that I learnt about music. Sight reading, transposition, aural training and musical appreciation.
        I was one of many of his pupils who went on to achieve success in the music profession.

        Not forgetting his four children:

        Iona (violin and conductor) - now sadly deceased.
        Timothy (horn) ex BBCSO and ASMF
        Ian(piano and now conductor/director) Nash Ensemble
        Sally (viola) who remained loyal to the BSO and to whom I was talking only last week, at a party to celebrate the ex BSO clarinetist Raymond Carpenter's 90th birthday.

        A remarkable man, Tony, who had more letters after his name than a postman with a hole in his mailbag!



        • french frank
          • Feb 2007
          • 30806

          Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
          Perhaps frenchfrank could email a copy of the photograph of WG to you? (if she still has it?)
          I can certainly do that, HS, though of course if St Hubert was satisfied with an ordinary print-out from his own printer, he has only to drag and drop the picture on this thread on to his desktop and print from that.

          If, however, you were able to provide a copy of the photograph itself ... ? But perhaps you don't do much photographic work yourself these days?

          I have a sense that you might be pleased to be in touch with St H ...

          Best rgds

          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


          • Nick Armstrong
            • Nov 2010
            • 26628

            Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
            ...his four children:

            Iona (violin and conductor) - now sadly deceased.
            Timothy (horn) ex BBCSO and ASMF
            Ian(piano and now conductor/director) Nash Ensemble
            Sally (viola) who remained loyal to the BSO and to whom I was talking only last week, at a party to celebrate the ex BSO clarinetist Raymond Carpenter's 90th birthday.

            A remarkable man, Tony, who had more letters after his name than a postman with a hole in his mailbag!


            Amazing family! I had no idea all those Browns were siblings.

            And good last line HS (I'll have to use that one )
            "...the isle is full of noises,
            Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
            Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
            Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


            • Hornspieler

              Originally posted by french frank View Post
              I can certainly do that, HS, though of course if St Hubert was satisfied with an ordinary print-out from his own printer, he has only to drag and drop the picture on this thread on to his desktop and print from that.

              If, however, you were able to provide a copy of the photograph itself ... ? But perhaps you don't do much photographic work yourself these days?

              I have a sense that you might be pleased to be in touch with St H ...

              Best rgds

              Thank you so much, Sarah. Let's see what the new-found St H decides to do.

              I really don't wish you to go to any further trouble and your advice re Drag and Drop might well be taken up by other interested message boarders.



              • mercia
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 8920

                60 years of Lord of the Flies
                William Golding's daughter Judy Carver talks fondly of her author father and his celebrated work Lord of the Flies as the classic novel marks its 60th year.

