Soon, roll films will cease to be manufactured. Colour transparency slides will be a thing as much in the past as the beautifully made Sanderson Plate Cameras. Millions of pounds' worth of equipment will be unusable.
Home developing and printing will be a thing of past. Even now, to get a roll of Pan F or HP3 developed is prohibitably expensive, so have we lost the art of photography and the pleasures of hours in the darkroom in the face of competition in this digital age?
Yes, I'm as guilty as anyone, but I still yearn for my Agfa Karat, Rollieflex, Praktina SLR with detachable Pentaprism, the f2 Biotar lens (probably the finest lens that Zeiss ever made) and the versatile Olympus OM2.
I have some more to say on this subject, but it would be interesting to seek the views of others before I post again.
A flash in the Pan used to mean something quite different to we darkroom boys at one time. Is there any way that we can, or should, return to those days?
Home developing and printing will be a thing of past. Even now, to get a roll of Pan F or HP3 developed is prohibitably expensive, so have we lost the art of photography and the pleasures of hours in the darkroom in the face of competition in this digital age?
Yes, I'm as guilty as anyone, but I still yearn for my Agfa Karat, Rollieflex, Praktina SLR with detachable Pentaprism, the f2 Biotar lens (probably the finest lens that Zeiss ever made) and the versatile Olympus OM2.
I have some more to say on this subject, but it would be interesting to seek the views of others before I post again.
A flash in the Pan used to mean something quite different to we darkroom boys at one time. Is there any way that we can, or should, return to those days?