Harumph. Thank the lord I never went into teaching.
Room 101 - what single aspect of modern life should be consigned to oblivion?
Don Petter
Originally posted by Caliban View PostYou took the idea right out of my brain, Flossie!!
I was just about to say that!
Errr... gentles all, shall we move on?
Unfortunately, I'm in an extremely good mood and cannot presently think of anything else for Room 101
But someone must have something, surely?!
Originally posted by Petrushka View PostAnother strange phenomenom of recent years that should be consigned to Room 101 is the charity mugger or 'chugger', you know those young people who stop you on the pavement while you're minding your own business or doing the shopping and try to twist your arm into paying £10 a month by direct debit towards the charity who are paying them to do it.
If I wish to give to charity it will be one of my own choosing, thanks.
Originally posted by JFLL View PostCouldn't agree more. They usually have the cheek to say can't accept cash donations. Very counterproductive in the long run, I'd have thought, to spurn people's charitable instincts. It's like saying 'No, you can stuff your five pounds, I demand £100!'. No wonder they talk of compassion fatigue.
and b) if you can see their most recent audited accounts to show that they actually need the £ requested.
There again, head down and a nifty side-step can be just as effective
Into Room 101 they go
Paul Sherratt
>>As in when did a raiway station become a train station?
You are not alone.
Overheard - young suited man on the phone " I'm at the train place "
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostThere again, head down and a nifty side-step can be just as effective
Paul Sherratt
>>to be consigned to Room 101 is the charity mugger or 'chugger'
I've never been approached. Why would that be, do you think ?
Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View Post>>to be consigned to Room 101 is the charity mugger or 'chugger'
I've never been approached. Why would that be, do you think ?You need a licence for street collections. Our Council has now refused to allow any chuggers. One reason for this is that they had so many complaints that they targetted the elderly, usually women, who were too polite to tell them to Bog Off and felt pressured to sign up. I found that asking them what percentage they earned from each direct debit (combined with a stern Paddington Bear stare) usually caused them to back off and leave me alone. (I do give to charities, but they are ones of my choice)
Paul Sherratt
Neither of the above, afaik.
Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View PostNeither of the above, afaik.
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."