Originally posted by John Skelton
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The Decline Of Civilisation
Originally posted by scottycelt View PostIt is, Amsy ..'jings' is an expletive almost solely used by the Broons and Oor Wullie and has never been part of the Glaswegian 'vernacular'... .the correct, if decidedly more blasphemous, utterance was, I believe .. 'Oh Christ!'. ... and, of course, very much more credible!
To be honest, though, I've long wondered about the veracity of some of those English comedians' tales about such pithy and earthy audience participation in Glasgow theatres, especially concerning the old and now long-gone Empire which was the original butt of many of their jokes ... but, hey, they don't half make for some good stories ..
Soon after commencing her act began the heckling and then the barracking. Before long the whole place was in uproar. Above all the noise, an even louder male voice at the back of the auditorium was heard to bellow, "GIVE THE COW A CHANCE!!!" Silence followed, and, "Thank you kind sir. I'm glad to see that there's ONE gentleman in the audience", replied Marie Lloyd.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostThere's that wonderful story, as once told by Arthur Askey, about the great music hall artiste Marie Lloyd first performing at the Glasgow Empire - a venue notorious for the hard time its patrons would give new appearances.
Soon after commencing her act began the heckling and then the barracking. Before long the whole place was in uproar. Above all the noise, an even louder male voice at the back of the auditorium was heard to bellow, "GIVE THE COW A CHANCE!!!" Silence followed, and, "Thank you kind sir. I'm glad to see that there's ONE gentleman in the audience", replied Marie Lloyd.
'Would you mind just waiting', says I in my best John LeMesurier, 'You're rather painting me into a corner'.
That was for the benefit of the a***hole tailgating me on the conveyor belt at Sainsbury's. I'd not even got half my trolley unpacked when he was already unloading his.
Still, I did make sure to have a nice, LONG chat with the checkout assistant.
the danger in undertaking lies in the driver on the right not checking in his mirror to see if anything is coming up on his left before he drifts over there - in which case he is at fault twice over. And if he drifts over two lanes without checking his mirror he needs more driving lessons (IMV).Last edited by mercia; 21-01-12, 05:29.
Originally posted by mercia View Postthe danger in undertaking lies in the driver on the right not checking in his mirror to see if anything is coming up on his left before he drifts over there - in which case he is at fault twice overmercia, mercia, mercia!!! But it's illegal for the driver to be "coming up on his left" in the first place!!!!
It's like saying that if a driver is steaming down a one-way street the wrong way and knocks someone down, it's the pedestrian's fault for not looking in that direction...
Yes, the pedestrian and the right-hand lane driver avoid the accident if they do look (and they'd be well advised to, of course), but that doesn't alter the fact that the fault lies primarily with the driver performing the illegal and dangerous manoeuvre in the first place!!!!"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by Caliban View Postmercia, mercia, mercia!!! But it's illegal for the driver to be "coming up on his left" in the first place!!!!
It's like saying that if a driver is steaming down a one-way street the wrong way and knocks someone down, it's the pedestrian's fault for not looking in that direction...
Yes, the pedestrian and the right-hand lane driver avoid the accident if they do look (and they'd be well advised to, of course), but that doesn't alter the fact that the fault lies primarily with the driver performing the illegal and dangerous manoeuvre in the first place!!!!
Originally posted by Panjandrum View PostI'm afraid that the Highway code does make a provision for undertaking, oh wise one."...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by mercia View Postthe emergency services regularly undertake
Till then, I beg you... please don't! We need you on the Alphabet Associations thread!"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by mercia View Postthe emergency services regularly undertake, as do cyclists, buses and taxis and anyone getting into the appropriate lane before turning off a motorway
Cyclists sneaking up on you on the inside is evidence for the decline of civilisation imv
but I guess as ALL cyclists are so morally superior to the rest of us then they have the right to ignore basic rules of self preservation
ANYONE over the age of 6 riding a bike on the pavement is further evidence
but to counter this we have Xenakis et al
so we are not doomed just yet
Originally posted by Caliban View PostI thought you agreed it was crazy as a general practice. You appear to be arguing against your earlier stance...
Seriously, I think undertaking on a single carriage highway would be a perilous undertaking (excuse the pun). However, my main beef is with those middle lane hoggers who don't pull over. These miscreants are the main reason. IMHO, why some drivers undertake. I think the Highways Agency should use the overhead gantries to display electronic messages, such as: "Pull Over You Middle Lane Hoggers - You are Committing an Offence".