The Gospel according to Gove

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  • Mahlerei
    • Mar 2025

    The Gospel according to Gove

    I told you this guy has a Messiah complex:

    Sources say thousands of copies are in a warehouse abroad after the education secretary fails to find a private sponsor
  • Richard Tarleton

    Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post
    I told you this guy has a Messiah complex:
    This from William Dalrymple's Sunday Times review of Gove's book on Islamism [sic] Celsius 7/7:
    Gove is an example of the sort of pundit who has spoon-fed neocon mythologies to the British public for the past few years. Gove has never lived in the Middle East, indeed has barely set foot in a Muslim country. He has little knowledge of Islamic history, theology or culture — in Celsius 7/7, he just takes the line of Bernard Lewis on these matters; nor does he speak any Islamic language. None of this, however, has prevented his being billed, on his book’s dust-jacket, “one of Britain’s leading writers and thinkers on terrorism.

    Gove's book is a confused epic of simplistic incomprehension, riddled with more factual errors and misconceptions than any other text I have come across in two decades of reviewing books on this subject.
    In many decades of reading devastating reviews this was one of the finest examples of the genre I've ever come across - up there with Trevor-Roper's review of Geoffrey Elton.....Dalrymple described Gove as "an ill-informed pundit tailoring information to fit pre-existing prejudices".

    (In the interests of fairness, and for a contrary view, try


    • amateur51

      How blissful!


      • Bryn
        • Mar 2007
        • 24688

        Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View Post

        (In the interests of fairness, and for a contrary view, try
        Is it not a bit risky getting involved with social affairs? Might one not pick up a social disease?


        • amateur51

          Originally posted by Bryn View Post
          Is it not a bit risky getting involved with social affairs? Might one not pick up a social disease?
          Did you check out the SAU's Trustees & 'International advisers', Bryn?

          The preponderence of penises gave me considerable pause


          • Flosshilde
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 7988

            Originally posted by Mahlerei View Post
            I told you this guy has a Messiah complex:

            When I was school librarian we'd often get books sent to the school by all sorts of bonkers organisations. The head would pas them on to the library, where I would duly consider the item & its usefulness & then file it in the waste paper bin.


            • Lateralthinking1

              I am more interested in the boat business. If in the near future you happen to be in Dubai, you will have a chance to see the billionaires' latest yachts. There are plenty of them. The Sultan of Oman has one for example. Marvellous engineering. They cost a fortune. Tacky looking as hell. One vessel stands among them, truly regal, if a bit dilipidated. Here she is:

              The QE2 is to have passengers on board for the first time since its final cruise from Southampton three years ago.

              No messiah ever chucked money down the drain willy-nilly like a British Government. Buy an aircraft carrier and don't have any jets to put on it. Buy the jets and then discover that they can't be used either, at least not on an aircraft carrier. Construct a railway line from London to Birmingham without any commitment to extending it further so that it could have some use. Most of that will end up in scrap metal dealers' yards of course unless they suspend prohibitive balls from Chalk Farm to Spaghetti Junction.

              Incidentally, bible provision isn't rocket science. Just ask Gideon -

              (Three threads - is it really a Coalition or just a Gove-rnment?)
              Last edited by Guest; 19-01-12, 00:55.


              • anotherbob
                Full Member
                • Sep 2011
                • 1172

                Q. What would you say to a being from a parallel universe?

                A. Good evening Mr. Gove.


                • Flosshilde
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 7988

                  Originally posted by anotherbob View Post
                  Q. What would you say to a being from a parallel universe?

                  A. Good evening Mr. Gove.
                  You know Mr Redwood, I assume?


                  • VodkaDilc

                    Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                    You know Mr Redwood, I assume?
                    I once met Mr Redwood at a concert (St John Passion) and he was surprisingly normal. Seemed to be genuinely interested in Bach too.

