What a treat Caliba!! - moissi beauchamps of you 

A very interesting quotation from Proust, vinteuil - I especially enjoyed Proust's confession that Saint-Saens is a composer 'I don't care for'
I recall reading in a biography of Saint-Saens that a friend discreetly asked S-S (not Simon-Says I hasten to say) if it was true that he (S-S) was a paedophile?
"No!" replied the great man " Not a paedophile - a pederast!"
I like to think that he said pederast very loudly, causing much consternation and social flutterin'.
Rather like the time when Alan Clark (the MP not the film maker with an 'e') was accused of being a Fascist. His reply went something like:
" People say that I'm a Fascist but I'm not. Fascists are shopkeepers. I'm a Nazi!"

A very interesting quotation from Proust, vinteuil - I especially enjoyed Proust's confession that Saint-Saens is a composer 'I don't care for'

I recall reading in a biography of Saint-Saens that a friend discreetly asked S-S (not Simon-Says I hasten to say) if it was true that he (S-S) was a paedophile?
"No!" replied the great man " Not a paedophile - a pederast!"
I like to think that he said pederast very loudly, causing much consternation and social flutterin'.

Rather like the time when Alan Clark (the MP not the film maker with an 'e') was accused of being a Fascist. His reply went something like:
" People say that I'm a Fascist but I'm not. Fascists are shopkeepers. I'm a Nazi!"
