Alphabet associations - I

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  • doversoul1
    Ex Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 7132

    Don’t make things complicated. I said it was at the beginner’s level. It involves no persons. Each clue has the element of the answer. Yes, I thought afterwards that there would be a lot more ‘right’ arias and madrigals than I ever knew of but as long as it has the right w, I shan’t object.

    I’ll be offline for a couple of hours (things are piling up and tottering dangerously)

    it must be painful to watch my brain at work
    I find it most fascinating.

    [ed] Will it make better sense if I say each clue is about or refers to w….


    • mercia
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 8920

      oh I get you. forget Kathleen, just stick with the southerly wind perhaps
      Hor che’l ciel e la terra e’l vento tace (Now that the sky, earth and wind are silent) from Madrigals of war - Monteverdi, perhaps
      Handel's Ombra mai fu has a bit about Nor may you by blowing winds be profaned, perhaps
      so I think I may have a bit of wind here. there's been a lot of it about lately.

      there must be some other windy Handel arias, but I can't think of any at present
      Last edited by mercia; 06-06-11, 19:11.


      • Anna

        doversoul, nice to see someone new joining in and hopefully you will stay! Unfortunately our numbers are rather depleted at the moment, Angle is absorbing culture in Yorkshire, our Legal contingent are no doubt up to their Torts in SuperInjunctions, others are clued to the Cricket and other sundry interests such as gardening and unfortunately I will be absent from now on until sometime tomorrow.

        Monteverdi wrote such a lot of madrigals, the only thing that springs to mind with a W is his Madrigals of War. Doubt that is correct and as I said, time dictates I can go no further on this.

        EDIT: Cross posting with mercia again re Monteverdi! We must stop this mind-reading!


        • Norfolk Born

          Originally posted by Anna View Post
          We must stop this mind-reading!
          I just KNEW you were going to say that! Perhaps we could combine your and mercia's thoughts and work out something along the lines of The Winds of War....
          10 minutes to Corrie, and still no word from Caliban on last week's doings. I know he's busy with family commitments, but I'd really like to discover, as I'm sure you would, what he thought of it all, especially Friday's (non)-dénouement. Only 7 minutes to go now....


          • vinteuil
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 12702

            Originally posted by mercia View Post
            there must be some other windy Handel arias, but I can't think of any at present
            "Venti turbini" in Rinaldo

            ... and there is the Monteverdi "Zefiro, torna".


            • doversoul1
              Ex Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 7132

              Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
              "Venti turbini" in Rinaldo

              ... and there is the Monteverdi "Zefiro, torna".
              And with mercia’s southerly wind, X is yours M. vinteuil.


              • vinteuil
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 12702

                Originally posted by doversoul View Post
                And with mercia’s southerly wind, X is yours M. vinteuil.
                ... why thank you, Doversoul - tho' it was mercia who put us on the right track...

                If mercia doesn't wish to claim prior rights, I will follow the hallowed precedent of skipping X, Y, and Zee, and move swiftly on to -

                "What A connects a Masked Ball, Manon Lescaut, and Leicester?"


                • mercia
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 8920

                  a-ha very sneeky (I hope)

                  operas by Daniel Auber
                  Gustave III or Un bal masque
                  Manon Lescaut


                  • vinteuil
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 12702

                    o well done mercia - a very swift and straight bat there -
                    yes: three operas by Daniel-François-Esprit Auber [1782-1871]

                    Leicester, ou le Château de Kenilworth [1823]
                    Gustave III, ou Un Bal Masqué [1833]
                    Manon Lescaut [1856]

                    Mercia - B nice to us!


                    • mercia
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 8920

                      thanks, may I be perverse and double-back with a Y ?

                      a Y to connect

                      - a viotti winner
                      - a conductor who recorded some Medtner piano music
                      - a conductor who refused to premiere a B-flat minor symphony


                      • doversoul1
                        Ex Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 7132

                        What happened to your gettability post?

                        Yes, it was gettable but I’ll be offline until late afternoon so I’ll leave it to others to reveal the answer and proceed to B or Z and beyond. Y is for from Russia with love (I don't know if they have another passport but that’s beside the point).


                        • Norfolk Born

                          Originally posted by doversoul View Post
                          What happened to your gettability post?

                          Yes, it was gettable but I’ll be offline until late afternoon so I’ll leave it to others to reveal the answer and proceed to B or Z and beyond. Y is for from Russia with love (I don't know if they have another passport but that’s beside the point).


                          • mercia
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 8920

                            yes quite. dear Ofca, are you able to answer my Y question? as Dover so rightly says they are three Russian gentlemen. here is the question again.

                            Originally posted by mercia View Post
                            a Y to connect

                            - a viotti winner
                            - a conductor who recorded some Medtner piano music
                            - a conductor who refused to premiere a B-flat minor symphony


                            • Norfolk Born

                              I have been working at this question periodically, but haven't got very far. I'll have another peek later (I have a vanadium-free diesel oxidation catalyst awaiting my attention).


                              • amateur51

                                Originally posted by mercia
                                heavens to murgatroyd, is that some sort of prescription drug?

                                sorry you've had problems with my question. try typing Viotti gold medal winner in a search engine. it should bring up a Y
                                I must be doing something wrong - I've been offered a pack of 24 plastic gold medals!
                                Last edited by Guest; 07-06-11, 11:47. Reason: 4 more medals

