Originally posted by Resurrection Man
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Alphabet associations - I
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Originally posted by Flay View PostSo we are brought together..., but nowhere nearer the answer
Who, undogcollared because of his little weakness, was scythed to the bone one harvest by mistake when sleeping with his weakness in the corn. He lost all ambition and died, with one leg.
But, obviously it was a combine, not a flail, that hastened his end.
So, no idea!
Originally posted by Flay View PostSo we are brought together..., but nowhere nearer the answer
There are no English breed of sheep beginning with F as far as I know. Nor are any American winds. Can it be that we are looking for a classical music connection?
Edit: offline until tomorrow
Originally posted by Anna View PostCan it be that we are looking for a classical music connection?
I think we need some help, cloughie. I've been looking up various sheep / shepherd related pieces, sheep safely grazing, pastorales &c. &c. Nothing so far..."...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
it seems to me that the only word that sounds like [as opposed to rhymes with] hay is hey
so I'm looking for a conductor called Mr Hey
apparently there's a wind in France called the Marin but I don't think we call Marin Alsop a light conductor [depends what she had for lunch I suppose]
hmmm - names of winds - mistral, foehn, leveche, sirocco, zephyr ................
I wonder if there's any significance in the fact that in #25581 you invited us to abandon F and go straight to I
the only piece of sheep-related English light music that springs to mind is Shepherd's Hey (or is that Australian?)
Last edited by mercia; 13-09-12, 03:19.
Originally posted by mercia View Postit seems to me that the only word that sounds like [as opposed to rhymes with] hay is hey
so I'm looking for a conductor called Mr Heythe beginning of the hay sounds like the F and begins with that letter and the end sounds like hay but not spelled like it.
Originally posted by mercia View PostPacta sunt servanda !!!