Originally posted by Anna
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The only one to add would be the amazing passacaglia "Amor" in the middle of Monteverdi's "Lamento della Ninfa" from Book 8 of the Madrigals - starts around 2:00 in this version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxcMZl6YwNs
You are right there's one in one of the harpsichord suites, but I think possibly my favourite passacaglia of all is a different one by Handel. I don't know what it is, it gets me every time, and I can listen to it time after time and it puts me in a wonderful frame of mind. He reused it a number of times (I've heard it in four different contexts in various of his works - he obviously knew it was a winner), notably in the Sinfonia-Passacaglia in "Radamisto" and wonderfully in a choral version in "Parnasso in Festa": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f3CW2L5zrQ
Rubbers - I have reason to know you know that! Track 20, Disc 1
