From this week's Spectator: Charles Moore's view of R3:
By degrees, rather than any sudden change, Radio 3 is becoming stupid. It is a sign of cultural defeat when you have to keep on assuring your audience that what they are listening to is wonderful. The music is constantly praised for making you feel ‘stunned’, ‘blown away’ etc. We were told that, on Boxing Day, we should ‘relax with a turkey sandwich’ in order to listen to something or other. There is a long programme each morning, tautologically named ‘Essential Classics’, where this approach prevails and presenters make a funny sort of noise when they speak which is supposed to indicate they are smiling. Emails are read out from listeners who also claim to have been ‘blown away’ (not, unfortunately, far enough away) by a piece they want played. To me, a musical ignoramus, the pleasure of listening to Radio 3 is related to the idea that you might learn something. The programme ‘Building a Library’ on Saturday mornings is a revelation because it instructs one in differences which, unaided, I should never have noticed. Music is degraded when the audience is treated like people getting on to aeroplanes. It is a thing in itself, not mere therapy for people who would otherwise suffer from boredom or fear.
By degrees, rather than any sudden change, Radio 3 is becoming stupid. It is a sign of cultural defeat when you have to keep on assuring your audience that what they are listening to is wonderful. The music is constantly praised for making you feel ‘stunned’, ‘blown away’ etc. We were told that, on Boxing Day, we should ‘relax with a turkey sandwich’ in order to listen to something or other. There is a long programme each morning, tautologically named ‘Essential Classics’, where this approach prevails and presenters make a funny sort of noise when they speak which is supposed to indicate they are smiling. Emails are read out from listeners who also claim to have been ‘blown away’ (not, unfortunately, far enough away) by a piece they want played. To me, a musical ignoramus, the pleasure of listening to Radio 3 is related to the idea that you might learn something. The programme ‘Building a Library’ on Saturday mornings is a revelation because it instructs one in differences which, unaided, I should never have noticed. Music is degraded when the audience is treated like people getting on to aeroplanes. It is a thing in itself, not mere therapy for people who would otherwise suffer from boredom or fear.