I might as well put my cards on the table here, knowing that it will appear illiberal and be unpopular. I ended one very good friendship when the person concerned made his third girlfriend in a row pregnant and for the third time in a row a girlfriend of his had an abortion.
I support the right to abortion in the case of rape. I feel that the right to abortion in other circumstances on the NHS should be permitted once in an individual's lifetime. This applies both to women and men. I am absolutely horrified in what is the fifth decade of reliable contraception that abortion is frequently seen as contraception in itself.
And I do agree absolutely that consensus attitudes on that issue, among others, with their over-emphasis on rights above responsibilities, have contributed significantly towards a cultural disrespect for others' lives. That is seen to some extent in every policy from the military to the economic. It does loom in this matter too.
I support the right to abortion in the case of rape. I feel that the right to abortion in other circumstances on the NHS should be permitted once in an individual's lifetime. This applies both to women and men. I am absolutely horrified in what is the fifth decade of reliable contraception that abortion is frequently seen as contraception in itself.
And I do agree absolutely that consensus attitudes on that issue, among others, with their over-emphasis on rights above responsibilities, have contributed significantly towards a cultural disrespect for others' lives. That is seen to some extent in every policy from the military to the economic. It does loom in this matter too.