Originally posted by Ferretfancy
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King George and Queen Mary:
Originally posted by mangerton View PostThat'll be me then ....
Originally posted by scottycelt View Posti dread to think what the country would end up with if we had to elect 'a non-political' President ... Jenni Murray, Sir David Attenborough? ... hmmmm, no thank you!
Plus the fact that kings and queens were born and bred into the role of Head of State
Originally posted by scottycelt View PostI would never be so foolishly inaccurate and downright impertinent to ever suggest that all UK republicans were 'little miseries', mangerton ... I did exercise some unusual caution in my original remark, you understand ...
Originally posted by Flosshilde View PostBut how do we know that they want to retain the monarchy, when they haven't been able to say so? (& don't confuse a general, vague, idea that the present monarch is OK with a liking for the concept of the monarchy)
But a republican head of state would be elected, & therefore not 'imposed' on an 'unwilling' people, but elected by them (using a proper system, not first past the post)
Then the Monarchy will be overwhelmingly approved by 'the people' and 'using a proper system' as well. The 'people' don't want your republican president and, according to all opinion polls for yonks, that's the simple truth, Floss.
I suppose If it needs an expensive and needless referendum to finally convince some minority malcontents of the hitherto glaringly obvious, then so be it!
Originally posted by scottycelt View PostYes, let's have a referendum, if you wish, and increase the debt burden further, quite unnecessarily ...
Then the Monarchy will be overwhelmingly approved by 'the people' and 'using a proper system' as well. The 'people' don't want your republican president and, according to all opinion polls for yonks, that's the simple truth, Floss.
I suppose If it needs an expensive and needless referendum to finally convince some minority malcontents of the hitherto glaringly obvious, then so be it!
No, if people insist on replacing the present Germans then it shouldn't be with more foreigners. Let's have a proper English monarch in England; of course, it might be a bit difficult a) deciding if the last 'indiginous' English monarch was Offa or Egbert (or neither), and b) tracing their most direct descendant. I think that in Scotland the last indiginous monarch was Alexander III, who died in 1286; after that they were French.
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostBut the "English" are German, Flossie! (Angles, Saxons - Sasenachs/Saesnegs - Jutes). For real indiginuity (?) we have to go back to somebody who'd nowadays be regarded as "Welsh"!
i would make the whole so called royal family sit through a 2 day sales meeting like I have to tomorrow and friday, on average wages, and then see if they look quite so smug.
Might drink my tea out of the saucer and see what the boss says...and then I will hit him with "it was good enough for Queen Mary, so its good enough for you". Might raise a laugh. or lighten the payroll !!
Oh and after two days of targets and suchlike, I would send them to work for the rest of their lives at asda.I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostLet's wait til King Chas the Interferer has been on the throne a couple of years, then we'll have a referendum, scotty
Chas should keep his nose out of controversial issues and remember who he is .. ie, he is there to serve 'the people' not to lecture to them.
If he doesn't like it he can scarper off to Republican France with his fancy woman/wife, just like a previous Prince of Wales, and allow Sweet William to take over ..