May I be the first to wish everyone on here a happy Easter
.... and with the summer hols over, it's time to start thinking about Christmas! Happy Christmas 2112.
This is perfectly true. I popped into Waitrose on Christmas Eve morning - in the bakery section they were unloading onto the shelves Hot Cross Buns. Really, loads of them. This is so wrong, those buns have become a year-round consumable whereas they should be special, only available at Easter!
Don Petter
Originally posted by Anna View PostThis is perfectly true. I popped into Waitrose on Christmas Eve morning - in the bakery section they were unloading onto the shelves Hot Cross Buns. Really, loads of them. This is so wrong, those buns have become a year-round consumable whereas they should be special, only available at Easter!
Originally posted by Anna View PostThis is perfectly true. I popped into Waitrose on Christmas Eve morning - in the bakery section they were unloading onto the shelves Hot Cross Buns. Really, loads of them. This is so wrong, those buns have become a year-round consumable whereas they should be special, only available at Easter!
One could, I suppose, construct a counter-argument - inasmuch as the mystery of the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection are reënacted by priests every day - then the Hot Cross Bun might be valid every day and not just at Easter...
But I think I agree with your original point.
Anyway - happy New Year - and it'll soon be Armenian Christmas... [6 January... ] ... and then Russian Christmas [7 January... ]
The subject of early hot-cross buns in Waitrose was raised last year, but a member then claimed that Tescos sell them all year round.
As Xmas trading seems to start now in late summer why don't retailers just have 24/7 all-year round Xmas goods in the shops ?
A most senior member of my family is poised to buy all next year's Xmas presents and cards this week in the Sales, and I bet she's not alone.
The same could apply to Easter, and maybe even atheists could think of something special to celebrate to boost the economy and Dave's Happy Index even further ...